Your feedback is appreciated

Ive started the YouTube channel recently and would love to hear the feedback.

I’m native Japanese.

Here is my latest video.

I’ll がんばる more with your feedback. Thank you.

  1. Big ありがとう! to those who have watched, liked and even subscribed to the channel. うれしいです。

  2. こんにちは、たかすぎ先生! I really love the format of these videos, they remind me of some of my past teachers. One just a small thing (from a video editor) in your latest video is that some green screen sections show the bottom of the screen, usually you can just slide the green screen down in your video editor to compensate, but overall I really like the content!

  3. It’s a good range of vocabulary. I would suggest adding some context around the honorific phrases with “様” since they are only used by the staff towards customers and not the other way around. The staff may use 一人様 but the customer should not then call himself 俺様 in response.

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