Which Union is the most suitable?

I am looking into joining a union, principally to find support in dealing with ongoing work issues. I know of two unions (Tozai & General Union), I would be interested to know which would be more suitable for me – Contracted teacher at private school currently run as LLC. Any input is appreciated, I am familiar with Tozai as former colleagues joined them. Tozai succesfully represented an employee of said firm in one the more recent cases. I belive the General Union though is more common among other teacher groups.

  1. From what I know, GU is more passive when it comes to their actions (they are more willing to compromise with companies). This can be infuriating when you want something to change. GU’s response will be ‘it’s not that bad’ a lot of the time.

    That being said, they are the biggest union and will help you a lot. I myself am in a dmaller union (tozen)

  2. If Tozai already represented your colleagues at the same employer then you might want to start there, especially if they still have members there.

  3. Never been a member of Tozai. GU seems passive and slow in handling matters. I am still a member, but rethinking that membership based on how ineffective they have been in handling issues I’ve had, as well as people I know. They have provided valuable advice, but little action in matters as small as demanding a school hand over paperwork in a timely manner. They even claimed a victory on their Facebook page for something I had handled before they got involved. That is just my experience

  4. If one union has a successful history at your workplace start there. Next think of geography if a union has decent representation in your area that also a good reason to go with them. Final is action as people have already commented.

  5. I’d also like to join one, but I’m a direct hire, does anyone know if that makes my situation any different? Am I already a part of a union in my school/town/prefecture/Japan? I’d ask a colleague about it, but I’ve been there for about a month and don’t really want to out my political leanings yet 😂

  6. Unless your employer recognizes the union as official representation, you are wasting your time and money. Those unions have zero actual wins, the wins they claim are from “members” that self funded legal council. Let that sink in, **they will not pay for a lawyer if you need one.**

  7. Is this for a dispatch ALT job? Is so, I’d recommend getting a different job first. You are the enemy for agreeing to work for such an organization. Sorry, not sorry. Good luck.

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