A thread to make FRIENDLY rivals :)

When I was in college, I found the thing that kept me MOST motivated in my studies was having a friendly rival or too.

I had a “senpai” best friend I was always a few steps behind, and a class mate who I was always JUST beating by a hair. I didn’t wanna lose to him! And I wanted to surpass her someday!

We all loved the friendly “I won’t lose to you!” Atomosphere always sharing our hard works together and tips and tricks and stuff.

Sooo…why not here, with others? 🙂

Tell a bit about yourself in the comments, what/how your studying, etc, and see if you can find some friendly rivals to laugh with and always push each other to the top! ♡

  1. Me:
    – female
    – ADHD

    – INTRESTS–: loves anime, and cartoons, but also manages to never catch up on them. (Currently on season 2 owl house. Protip, Disney plus offers it in Japanese dub for fun XD) plus of course drawing, cooking, music, crafts, RP, memes etc

    -PERSONALITY–: I am as equal to fangirl over dumb stuff as I am to talk about the phycological thrill of a good plot line. Will definitely spend hours either indebth conversations (if you like them) about how the brain processes information trying to find that study sweetspot, orrrrr ….rolling around with you in excitement that “Japanese is japanesey eeeeeeeeee ♡♡♡ i just read a basic word and my life is on cloud 9”. XD

    – STUDY STYLE–: somewhere between casual and “this is my life blood”, as I wanna be flutent SO bad, but haven’t found a method that works for me.

    – JAPANESE LEVEL–: as my interests are influence to what I pick up. Fo example: I can understand some higher level speach patterns from black butler, and make a full creepy conversation about how “that sound you hear isnt my heart.. it’s the other souls going KNOCK. KNOCK. :)” buuuut…. still miss half the words on the N5 test? I could understand 50% of a anime for teens, and then tun around and undersfand 10% for one for kids? You know how it is lol.

    -CURRENT STUDY–: my phone in Japanese. In order to play my baby bus games IN japanese, I need to switch my phone TO Japanese.. and it gets difficult going back and forth. So I’m here trying to learn the japanese I’ll need to navigate everything from my alarms to youtube in japanese. I’m learning about 30 words every 2 to 14 days.

    – Other notes –: さぁ、知らないのライバルさん、一緒にこの夢に踊りましょうか。君に負けないよ♡ ((also, if you like this cheezy japanese song from youtube, instant bffs.” 松岡修造が熱唱、「C.C.Lemon 元気応援 ))

  2. 16 M
    currently I’m studying japanese using anki flashcards. it would be very motivating to find someone whom I would compare myself to and try to constantly improve myself. I’m still a beginner tho , I know around 400 words .

  3. 27 F. I passed the N5 this past December and reviewing Genki 1 materials currently before moving onto Genki 2. Looking to take the N4 in December possibly.

    My reading and writing are my strongest skills, speaking and listening are quite poor. I’m interested in getting a tutor from italki to help with this.

    Other interests and hobbies include reading, drawing (currently learning how to do digital art with Procreate), and video games.

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