How to review vocab after RTK?

Learning vocab with the JP1K anki deck feels kind of off since I’ve finished RTK.

For many words I can already tell the meaning by looking at the kanji. This makes me feel like I don’t completely internalise the word itself. But maybe that’s fine, because I’ll encounter those same words in my reading anyway?

Should I:

* close my eyes and focus on recognising the meaning by listening to the reading alone
* turn off audio and try to remember the reading => fail if can’t remember
* simply press ‘good’ if i can tell the meaning, even if I would not have been able to know it without the kanji?

What would you recommend?

  1. Personally, I’d fail the card if I can’t remember the reading without audio. Being able to infer the meaning from the kanji is one of the benefits of learning kanji in the first place, so I wouldn’t worry about that being “too easy”.

  2. You should have audio at the back of the card, not front. When you rep a word, you need to recall both reading and meaning in order to pass the card. This will definitely help, although won’t completely solve the listening comprehension problem. In any case, Anki is just a temporary crutch to familiarize yourself with words, so don’t stress too much about it.

  3. Not sure how your cards are set up – but in general RTK makes things easier, but you should still review in the normal way of having the vocab on front only, flip for audio + kanji + reading and English definition. You should get the reading and the meaning, otherwise fail the card.

    Note – some rare words come up that you have to flip to figure out the reading, these should be marked on the front with notes if not using sentences. Like 体 as the gikun of 身体.

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