Ever since learning Japanese, have you experienced dreaming in mostly Japanese?

I’ve been on a roll learning Japanese lately because of the plenty time I have. So I’m gaining a lot of input, reading practices and listening comprehension, in addition to vocab and grammar of course. Now, lately most of my dreams are in Japanese, not that I could understand all of it but most of the phrases are correct Japanese, sometimes I even get moments where there are subtitles in Kana (maybe because I’ve been focusing on reading irl) It’s just fascinating how the brain works.

  1. My experience is that I listen to Japanese conversations almost every day in the shower. If I forget to play a conversation while showering, I find myself speaking the conversations anyway from muscle memory, and sometimes I don’t even know the meaning of what I’m saying. I usually don’t remember my dreams, so this is the closest I get.

  2. I have lived here close to sixteen years. I’d say about a quarter of my dreams are mostly in Japanese.

  3. Last night I had a dream that I went to Japan and at the airport I was so excited to try Japanese but then at customs all I could say was “thank you” in English and then scurry off saying ありがとう and then I woke up from embarassment.

    So I’m getting there.

  4. I have lots of dreams where I’m talking to someone Japanese and then they start asking me to do something high-stakes and specialist, like working in medicine, and I get scared and forget all the Japanese I know, if that counts.

  5. I didn’t have it with Japanese since I don’t have much time to learn but I work as a programmer and there were times when I had a difficult problem that I though about during and after work and unfortunately also in dreams which made my sleep lower quality. It seems when you focus a lot on something your brain will process it 24/7

  6. I’ve had the occasional dream where I speak japanese, but “mostly”? I don’t think that’s a thing.

  7. Once, but I was too embarrassed to speak anything complicated… In the dream I mean… Also in real life

  8. Mostly in Japanese? No. However, it does weird me out when people who do not know Japanese speak Japanese in my dreams. Used to wake me up actually.

  9. I’ve always wondered about these dreams in foreign languages that we arent really fluent in yet….
    If we were able to replay these dreams and listen to them as we dreamt them, would it be mostly gibberish that sounds like our target language? Or would it actually be things we know in our target language? Would the “natives” speaking in our dream have an accent?
    I feel like it would be target language sounding gibberish combined with real things we actually know.

  10. For me, it usually depends on who else is the dream with me. If my husband or any of my Japanese friends are there, I speak in Japanese. Though I’d say half or more of my dreams in general are in English.

    My day-to-day thoughts, though, are almost 50/50, with just slightly over half being in English. Typically if the last person I spoke to was in Japanese, I notice my thoughts inside my head stay in Japanese for awhile afterwards

  11. I wouldn’t have remembered if I didn’t see this post, but last night I had a dream where I was in Japan (which didn’t look anything like Japan) with my family. Probably used some Japanese in it but I don’t remember the details.

  12. I’ve had dreams in Japanese but I did scare my host family one time by sleep talking in English, I’ll never know what I said, but something was said in Miyakojima that will stay there forever

  13. I have known 3 languages since like 7 years old but don’t remember a single instance of acctual speach from my dreams , kindda wierd .

  14. I’ve had dreams in pseudo-Japanese, there’s some actual Japanese words but then there’s stuff in Japanese phonetics that doesn’t make any sense or match any words I know, just the sounds. It’s weird.

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