Tobira Beginning Japanese I Workbook

Looking to acquire the workbook for Tobira Beginning Japanese I from somewhere cheaper than but can’t seem to find it anywhere. On JP Amazon the text is ¥3,850 + ¥3,443 shipping, which is $54.33 as of today, and the workbook is ¥1,980 + ¥2,751 shipping, which is $34.77. On US Amazon, the text is $42.31 with free shipping but the workbook is not listed at all. Any advice to help ya boy?

  1. Could you clarify a bit…are you looking to buy both the textbook and the workbook together? Or just the workbook as the title of your post indicates?

    If you purchase both the textbook and the workbook in the same order on Amazon JP, it will give you a combined shipping rate that is less (¥4029) than the two separate charges added together (¥6194).

  2. Have you checked kinokuniya? They tend to save you in shipping costs so full priced books.

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