Opening a cafe in Japan as a foreigner


My close friend asked me a question about opening a cafe in Japan as a foreigner. I was confused and would like to ask for your help.

Let me introduce my friend and the third person shortly.

**My friend:** He is a Spanish. He lives in Japan for 7 years and working as a chef. He has 3 years ”*Skilled Labor*” visa. He cannot speak/reading Japanese. He is single. Let’s say his name ”**A**.”

**My friend’s friend:** He is also Spanish. He lives in Japan for 11 years and decided to go back Spain. He had ”*Skilled Labor*” visa and changed to ”*Business Manager’*’ visa two years ago. He has 1 year ”Business Manager” visa now.

He runs a cafe as *”Sole Proprietor (kojin jigyo)”* for 8 years. Let’s say his name ‘**’B.”**

My friend **A** decided to buy **B**’s cafe. They have talked each other and agreed the price. However, they confused about paper works and transfer way.

B says ”*I will ask my real estate company but I’m afraid that they will give you high price when transfer and make new contract*.” Also, ”*I am not sure about that they will accept to transfer or not.*” May be they can say me ”*We cannot accept transfer. You can contiune run your cafe or you can just leave.*”

Because they told me before, ”*Your rent is lower than avarage*.” (B runs cafe with 2 years contract. )

So, **B** thinked about open a company (kabushiki kaisha) and register cafe to company name. **B** will transfer to company **A**’s name. **A** will pay the agreed money to **B** then.

What do you think about that? Is it possible? What to A pay attention on this issue?

Thank you for your reply!

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