The sexual assault case allegedly committed by the mayor of Kusatsu in 2019 was dropped, and instead, a woman was accused of filing a false complaint, leading to a criminal case.

The sexual assault case allegedly committed by the mayor of Kusatsu in 2019 was dropped, and instead, a woman was accused of filing a false complaint, leading to a criminal case.

  1. This happens quite often in politics – often you see a politician “accused” of doing something, even getting the police involved, and then once they are forced out of office or put in an impossible social situation the charges are found untrue and the charges dropped. And what was front page news for the accusation becomes a small article on page 20 for the acquittal. It’s very rare that the accuser gets charged though.

  2. I believe this is what usually happens in Japan when women say they’ve been assaulted.

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