Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (April 30, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. How does speaking to a doctor work? Do you use 尊敬語 on him since he is a 先生 or since you are his customer does he use it on you?

  2. I just learned the sentence:

    となりにすわっていったひととはなしました (I talked to the person who was sitting next to me)

    I was wondering a couple things here:
    1. I’m assuming いった is the past tense of いる, Why do we use いった anyways? Is it like saying “I talked to a person who existed beside me” or something
    2. Why is と used before はなしました? I would’ve thought it would’ve been を?

  3. Are usages like 女医者 considered outdated or offensive today? Or are they standard? Anyone know?

  4. how best to translate the sentence below?


    微積分法(びせきぶんぽう)- calculus

    法則(ほうそく)- law (as in Newton’s Laws)

    至る(いたる)- to arrive at

  5. I’m wondering what ば does in this sentence:

    > 強さとは、正義にもなれば、情けを知らぬ悪にもなれるもの。

    I think this says, “With strength, you can become righteous, or become a pitiless evil.” But IDK why ば which I think means “IF” would do this here.

    Context: A magical shopkeeper is giving a customer a magical candy that will make them extremely powerful if they eat it.

  6. Does the past tense form でした come from です + 下 etymologically? I thought about this and was wondering if でした and 下 were related in any way because it seems to make some sense.

  7. Why is Netherlands オランダ and not ホランダ , which matches more accurately “Holland” ?

  8. So there are many different ways to express “or” in Japanese. Which one would be the best option if you want to ask someone. “Do you live in America or Japan right now”.

    Would 今、アメリカで又は日本で住んでいますか。work?

  9. Can I link てください after a てform verb + てくれる (can’t remember what the term is called for connecting verbs with て form)

    For example, is 伝えてくれる,、伝えてくれて、or 伝えてくれてください correct?

    Im making example sentences for my Anki decks and I want to make sure my grammar is correct.

  10. Can someone help me understand this (from Oshi no Ko, episode 3) ? : 演出かじってる人間で 知らねえやつ モグリだろ, ド名作じゃねえか

    In particular i dont understand: モグリだろ and かじってる

  11. Hi,

    I read great things about Kanzen Master’s grammar volumes (N3 for me), is it worth buying it if I have another one already?

    I can afford it, I’m just wondering if it’s gonna make a difference in how deep it explains compared to other textbooks. I like understanding in depth.

    Thank you!

  12. Hi trying to learn/collect verbs meaning “to wear”、(that are used with clothes). So far I got the following (see below).

    1) Is my list so far correct or did I make mistakes?

    2) What other good to know japanese expression for “to wear”

    Okay so far I got.

    帽子・ヘルメットなどを被る(かぶる)。Things that come on ones hat.

    メガネ・ネクタイなどを掛ける(かける)。または メガネ・ネクタイをする。Accesory things like glasses, necklaces, neckties etc..

    マフラー・スカーフなどを巻きる (まきる)。Things you wrap around yourself like scarfs

    シャツ・着物・背広などを着る(きる)。Things to wear on your upper body.

    ジャケット、ウエストなどを羽織る (はおる)。Things you put over your clothes like coats, wests, jackets etc.

    ズボン・スカート・靴を履く (はく)。Things you put on your lower body.

  13. I’m going through Genki 2 chapter 16’s text about Doraemon at the moment, and I was wondering what the function of の is in this sentence.


    The を following の directly is throwing me off. I feel like it’s probably something that was explained in a sub- or side note that I missed. Any pointers?

  14. I am currently trying to practice for the N2 JLPT test and I am using some practice tests I found online. I am a bit confused about the cover sheet on the ones before 2019 saying 180分 which does not match any info I can find on how much time there should be for the test. I found resources saying 105分 for vocab and reading and 50分 and one resource from before 2019 saying 110分 for vocab and reading, so I am getting really confused at how I should time the practice tests.
    I cant seem to find anything that says the test changed in 2019, so I am hoping somebody here knows anything…

  15. For the sentence:

    ホテルまでおくりします (I will take you to the hotel)

    Why isn’t it ホテルまでおくります ? Since the original verb form is おくる?

  16. Hi. I was reviewing てくる and ていく. Would the following example sentences using ていく or てくる make sense?





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