1999 Japan may consider applying to join the European Union

“Japan would still prefer to see itself as Western rather than Asian: I vividly recall a conference on Europe and Japan in Tokyo in 1999 at which it was seriously suggested that Japan might consider applying to join the European Union.”

Martin Jacques, When China Rules the World, 2009

How do you guys think about Japan in the EU?


  1. Japan is Western, but their obsession with being European is just anti-Asian racism with more steps

    It’s also a trick to make people forget just how much Japanese culture owes to Chinese civilization

  2. (**what* do you guys think – sorry i’m a pedant)

    i think it could make sense economically for them, since they’re – with u.s. guidance/pressure – further isolating themselves from china. i expect europe would be happy to have them, and the u.s. would be pissed.

  3. They can’t join for two reasons. The first is they’re not European so they won’t be given an invitation, and Japan would never ever give up the yen for the euro

  4. Japan doesn’t have to join the EU (it wouldn’t make sense) however they already have a lot of deals with EU, like they do with other entities/country.

    They’re free to pursue a policy of getting closer to EU than, for example the US which is probably their closer ally currently.

  5. I think they’ll properly merge NATO + QUAD first

    I imagine India would be the only hiccup but i also thought NATO was a few years away from dissolving (until the Ukraine invasion) so maybe they could work something out

  6. From a population standpoint, joining the EU and welcoming more immigrants might not have been a bad idea, but I can’t imagine Japanese citizens taking that well.

  7. Something more targeted like freedom of travel/work between the EU and Japan might benefit everyone. The same could apply between Japan and the USA.

  8. I think this makes very little sense for Japan. Geographically it is wrong. But also not very many benefit from trade when such long distance between Europa and Japan.

  9. This is absolutely never going to happen, because they would be opening their borders.

    And, do I have to say it, Japan is not in Europe? Lol.

  10. What benefit would japan have from joining EU? Disregarding the fact that geographically speaking they aren’t in Europe, not even close, but let’s say that is not a problem somehow.

    What does Japan get from joining EU?

  11. Well well well, EU doesn’t accept non-European county. It’s not like NATO, which has many members not located on Atlantic coast

  12. If it were realistically possible, that would actually be a worthwhile addition. I’d doubt it would be a very advantageous move for Japan though.

  13. I’d like to see stronger bonds with Japan. I wouldn’t think they would want to join, but we can certainly trade more with them and cooperate in other ways.

    I think there are quite a few Japanophiles in Europe so the desire is there.

    I live in the UK (European otherwise… stupid Brexit) but I think this country in particular could learn a lot from the Japanese. Sadly we can’t have nice things because people are selfish and destructive here.

  14. Cars and electronics would be a lot cheaper. And anyone from EU could just go and work in there

  15. Well ignoring the fact that Japan is not located in Europe, which is a requirement for joining the EU, in order to join the the EU Japan would need to oblige with the Copenhagen criteria, which includes human rights, respect for and protection of minorities, etc. So even if Japan managed to move the whole island into the European continent, it‘s not gonna happen.

  16. Part of why Japan is an amazing society with low crime and kids who are not cūnts is because they have kept their culture for the most part. Joining the EU would be the same as saying “we don’t want to be Japanese anymore.” Japan is the only country I’d ever consider moving to because it isn’t a cesspit of cultural degradation.

  17. Japan would be much better today on all fronts had they joined the EU in 1999

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