Places to go in Kanagawa Prefecture?

We went to Japan in 2017. My boyfriend’s brother lives in Zushi in Kanagawa Prefecture. While there we visited Zushi, Yokohama, Yokosuka, Daibutsu, Kamakura, and Hokokuji. Do you have places you recommend to visit in those locations or elsewhere around Kanagawa? Thank you!

  1. Look out for Daiyuzan Saijoji Temple. The temple itself is not that impressive but the surroundings are crazy beautiful.

  2. Kawasaki: Kawasaki Daishi Heikenji temple is worth a visit, as is Nihon Minkaen (open air museum with reconstructions of traditional rural housing). If you are a fan of Doraemon – Fujiko F Fujio might be wort dropping by.

    Yokosuka: You can visit battleship Mikasa with the surrounding part; or go to Kurihama (where the Convention of Kanagawa was signed).

    Odawara: castle + surrounding area, especially in ume/sakura blossom seasons.

    Beyond Kanagawa: Tokyo is close enough to make day trips; and on the other side, Hakone, Atami and Ito (for onsen) are close enough to make sensible day trips.

  3. +1 Yokosuka

    Yokohama is pretty hip as well, having the largest China Town outside of actual China, in addition to the marina walk.

    Kamakura Yuigahama Beach 由比ガ浜海水浴場 is a pretty nice beach on Sagami Bay.

  4. Tayano Doukutsu (Taya Caves) near Ofuna is pretty cool, though a bit far from the station.

  5. It depends… what are you and your boyfriend particularly interested in? I’ve been living in Yokohama for 10 years, so I probably know of a few places, depending on your interests.

    If you like Japanese food (and in particular, ramen), then I recommend going to the [Shin-Yokohama Ramen museum]( and trying a few small bowls of ramen to see what is your favorite type, then going to a local ramen shop a few days later that specializes in that type. The ramen there isn’t the best in Japan but it is tasty at least. The atmosphere there is really cool though.

    If you like scenery, and you don’t mind a bit of a drive, then you should really go to the top of the hills around Hakone. If you go there in the spring, the drive up the Hakone Turnpike [is really incredible.](×4096) [The view from the top of the road isn’t bad either.]( There’s also many ryokans in that area, if you want to spend the night there. There are many hiking trails around there as well.

    If you like aquariums or dolphins, then [Hakkeijima Sea Paradise]( is only a few stops away from Zushi-Hayama station. If you haven’t pet a penguin or dolphin before, you can do that there.

    If you like anime or big robots, and you’ll be here next year, then the [Gundam Factory]( in Yokohama will be right up your alley. A giant 1/1 scale Gundam with a fully moving head, arms, legs, etc.

    If you’re into Japanese history and old Japanese homes, then I highly suggest the [Nihon Minka-en]( in Kawasaki. They moved many historical homes from all over Japan to that location, and you can go inside all of them. You can see how building techniques changed and how people’s living standards evolved throughout the years in different regions of Japan.

  6. Zushi is close to Miura and Jogashima Island, which has great views and is fun to bike around.

  7. Miyagase dam, it’s a good place to walk around, you can see scheduled release of lake water and you can take the elevator to the top and you’ll have a good view of the lake and also Yokohama on a clear day.

  8. It’s an old Japanese bar that serves Japanese whisky with your choice in juice or soda. Opens and closes early so enjoy a drink and check out the base and maybe even the honch!

  9. If you like hiking, Mount Oyama was a fun day hike! They even have a cable car if you don’t want to do the first half of the hike, and there’s also an important shrine (Afuri Jinja Shrine)there!

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