Time spent per anki card and efficient learning

Hello people,

I use anki to study vocabulary (including kanji) and sometimes sentences.

I wonder what you people consider the most efficient ways to learn cards. Even with the same deck and settings I imagine that there are many different ways to study. I try to softly vocalise the words to myself to get the patterns deeper in my brain for example. I notice I tend to spend a lot of time per card thinking, but I can also just go through the cards really fast. How much time do you spend per card? I can imagine that very quick reviewing cards also have their benefits.

Any views on this? What are things that make you well able to remember things?

  1. if I can’t think of the reading and meaning fast, I assume I don’t know it. I try to spend 2-4 seconds per card…if not I flip and move along….I also only do 10 cards in a single review and review several times throughout the day (when I was first starting in the language, I used to do once per hour, now I do closed to once every 4 hours but still 10 cards per review).


    Remember learning is about repetition….if you just spend a ton of time in one sitting in anki, it will be less effective than if you split it throught the day

  2. Try to keep reviews down to 10~15 secs. Anki has a function that automatically flips cards and auto-answers after a timer elapses.

    Bear in mind that Anki is there to help you *remember* bite-sized pieces of information, not digest new learning materials (i.e. you won’t be able to cram stuff like “what connotations/nuances does this word or structure have?” “What contexts is it used in?” “In what places and with whom?”, and “Does it have any antonyms?” into a flashcard).

  3. 7-8 seconds is around the optimal

    but don’t like go crazy trying to just blaze through cards, you will get faster over time

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