Could someone take a look at my itinerary to see if it’s reasonable?

Hey guys, so I am planning my second trip to Japan (November 1-12th). Last time my partner went to Tokyo, kyoto, Osaka and Nara for 12 days. This time we are planning for 10-11 days. I want to know if there is too much traveling for such a short vacation? My itinerary:

Day 0: Fly into Tokyo

Day 1-3: Tokyo
Arrive around 5pm on day 1
Eating and exploring Shibuya, shinjuku, chuo city, Odaiba
Pokemon center + cafe
Studio Ghibli museum
Tsukiji outer market

Day 4-5: Tokyo –> Osaka (3.5 hrs)

Day 6: Osaka –> Koyasan (3.5hrs)
Okunoin Cemetery
Daimon gate
Women’s pilgrimage

Day 7: Koyasan –> Hiroshima (4 hrs)
Peace memorial park + Atomic bomb dome

Day 8: Ferry to Miyajima
Itsukushina and Mt. Misen

Day 9: Hiroshima –> Yokohama (3.5 hrs) –> Tokyo (1 hr)
Stop at Yokohama’s China town and ramen museum. Then head to Tokyo.

Day 10: Tokyo- rest/ slow day

DAY 11: Fly home around 6pm

Is there too much going on? I don’t want to get travel fatigue. I’m not sure if we should extend our stay or switch out places for less travel. We’re more into eating good food and nature. Temples aren’t high on our list as we visited a lot of them during our last trip. Also, I am open to any other suggestions or comments. Thank you in advance!

  1. Hi!

    This is not meant to be rude.

    Unless you are not using a rail pass and are taking a Nozomi shinkansen, you are not getting from Hiroshima to Shin-Yokohama Station in 3.5 hours and even with a Nozomi, it will likely be a little longer. You then need to get from Shin-Yokohama to somewhere in Yokohama, you actually want to visit.

    If you are using a rail pass it’s going to take you at a minimum another hour longer. You will also need to change trains in either Shin-Osaka or Shin-Kobe, as there are very few Hikari that run all the way to Hiroshima from Tokyo.

    Ignoring the possible additional hour by train, yes, I think you are going to be exhausted by your trip, at least I know I would be.

    I think the Koya-san and Hiroshima trips are just too much in 10-11 days. I would either cut one or add more days. I think your Tokyo days might be exhausting as well, depending on how long you spend in Shibuya, Shinjuku and at the Ghibli Museum. Remember you are unlikely to be getting much done on day 1 (arrival day) if your flight gets to Narita at 5.

    Good luck!

  2. It doesn’t seem too overambitious anywhere though the Yokohama day might be a bit squeezed and you’re doing a lot in Tokyo. There is a decent amount of moving around.

    Have you already booked your flights? If you’re really concerned about travel fatigue you could look into an open jaw itinerary out of Osaka or even Hiroshima (though be aware the Hiroshima airport is a substantial distance from the city, comparable to Tokyo->Narita) and don’t split your Tokyo time in half.

  3. Where do you fly out from?

    If you fly out from Haneda, you could maybe stay in Yokohama the last night if you really want to visit, instead off just making the short stop. Chinatown and Noodle museum is at least 30-40 minutes from the Shinkansen station (Shin-Yokohama), so it would take at least 4.5h to get there from Hiroshima. So stopping on the way to Tokyo doesn’t make sense.

    You could either go to Yokohama on Day 9 as you plan, and stay until you fly out, or push it out to day 10 and add one day in Tokyo in the beginning, or in Osaka to visit Kyoto, Kobe or Nara for example.

    Since Day 10 is a rest/slow day, Yokohama may be a good choice for that.

    Or skip Yokohama if you just see it as a short stop, and add more Tokyo or Kansai.

  4. Day 7: Koyasan –> Hiroshima (4 hrs) Peace memorial park + Atomic bomb dome Okonomimura

    It depends on where in Koyasan you start, but it may end up taking more than 4 hours to get to Hiroshima from there. I can see there could be several transfers necessary before one gets to Shin-Osaka Station where bullet trains stop. However, your Day 8 is not packed, so it may work out in the end.

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