Okada vs Tanahashi KOPW 2013 Highlights

Okada vs Tanahashi KOPW 2013 Highlights

Okada vs Tanahashi KOPW 2013 Highlights
by u/Agreeable_Surround13 in njpw

  1. Okada sold his ass off in this match. I still say this is their best match together ( what separates this one from the rest is solely the consistent arm selling which you don’t see often, if not at all, and Tana being heelish) and its one of my favorite New Japan matches ever. Just a legendary rivalry that remains untouched.

  2. I’m so damn torn over whether this or their Invasion Attack 2013 match is my favorite that these two absolute masters of the craft had;

    Tana playing heel subtly in this match is also so damn good, as it becomes clear he cares far more for being the IWGP champ than being the friendly and respectful “Ace”.

  3. Seeing Tana’s slingblade from a decade ago reminds how old the Ace has got.

    We shall never see a prime Tana match again

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