Bankruptcy Attorney wanting to move to Japan


I’m currently a bankruptcy attorney at a small firm handling consumer bankruptcies. I have N2 language skills. I would love to move to Japan and stay in Japan for 1-2 years. My research seems to show that it won’t be possible for me because of my practice area.

If I were to try to move to Japan, it seems like my career prospects would be limited to teaching English? Is that correct?

Is a move to Japan unrealistic for me?

Edit:USA attorney. Top 20 law school

  1. Pretty much, yeah. There might be something in tourism. Your language skills might open other doors. Keep looking, maybe something on indeed, LinkedIn etc.

  2. >If I were to try to move to Japan, it seems like my career prospects would be limited to teaching English? Is that correct?

    Pretty much.

    >My research seems to show that it won’t be possible for me because of my practice area.

    It’s not just because of your practice area. Your language skills are ***nowhere*** near sufficient to take the bar exam in Japan, much less actually practice law.

    There are *very* limited opportunities for Gaiben (Registered Foreign Lawyers), but this is where your practice area works against you. Most gaiben are working in import/export law and other things that Japanese companies who ship/operate overseas need help with.

  3. >I have N2 language skills. I would love to move to Japan and stay in Japan for 1-2 years.

    While N-2 Japanese abilities are not good enough to work as a legal translator, it’s more than adequate to work as a legal editor/rewriter.
    While legal editing of crappy J->E legal translations will pay poorly compared to what you’re currently earning, look up all the legal translation agencies here in Japan and send them your resume. Additionally, check the major Japanese legal translation websites

    For example:



    * Try the major recuiting agencies like ROBERT WALTERS, [Robert Haft](, et al.

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