Weekly Weekend Thread – 01 May 2023

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. Fever/cough-wack-a-mole, starring two kids.

    Oldest woke up with a fever and cough on Friday, that’s a day off watching them both, switches between us both.

    Weekend, he’s taking his medicine and fine to the point of being obnoxious about being inside all the time.

    3 A.M today, fever again and, why not, vomiting. Once again, musical chairs over who works, who doesn’t. No school tomorrow either, such are outdated Covid rules.

    The other kid just sits there, Virus Commander holding his hand up in the **HOLD** gesture.

    Jokes on them, we had no plans for the weekend or the days after.

  2. Went to my doctor’s office on Saturday morning. Become acutely aware it was a holiday. Oops.

    Went to a real estate office about a property I liked. Can’t be rebuilt, hasn’t been lived in for 10 years, and dude won’t budge on the price, apparently. I was fine until realizing it’s sat empty for a decade ‘/

    Got a sunburn

  3. A crow almost shitted on me. I was walking on the street when I see something falling in front of my eyes, I quickly stop and move back a little. Huge shit landed near my feet. He did it on purpose, didn’t he?

  4. Went to Fukuoka. It was fun. Rained a bit on Saturday and it was certainly more crowded than usual, but had some good beer, won a crane game, and had some great pizza. A nice weekend getaway.

  5. The doctor said that I can do light work, so I’m working as a home tutor for kids.

    I had a lesson with a six-year-old boy on Sunday morning. He was possibly the most obnoxious spoilt brat I’ve ever encountered (and I’ve seen some shit, man!).

    First of all, I had to keep changing the lesson plan for a week in advance depending on his whims. His parents let him decide everything.

    When I arrived there he was furious about being parted from his tablet, and took it out on his mother by kicking and hitting her, and on me by poking me in the back with a stick and hitting me on the head with it. It was wild.

    After the ‘lesson,’ his parents (really lovely people, by the way) insisted on walking me to the station. The boy suddenly wanted to go to the park instead, and let his dissatisfaction be known by repeatedly karate kicking his mother in the back, spitting at her, and screaming insults and curses. She was holding an infant child in her arms at the time.

    The father did nothing. Just smiled sheepishly.

    It was a five-minute walk, but it felt like forever.

    I’m really puzzled. When did kids start running the show? And why are parents too afraid to parent?

    What would your parents have done if you’d behaved like that?

  6. Went to a baseball game on Saturday, and went to the Mario movie yesterday. Mario was a lot of fun.

    I bought Jedi Survivor for the PS5, but ran into a progress-blocking bug, so I only got to play it for an hour or so.

  7. Went to Kameido Tenjin to see wisteria, but there’s only little left. It’s still a pretty lovely place with the pond so that was nice. Then I got to chill the whole day, call some friends, and make some good homemade food.

  8. I had a business trip to LA last week, so I just recovered from Jet-Lagâ„¢.

    While away they installed a garbage box at he mansion, so hopefully no more crows distributing garbage all over the driveway.

    Got free internet and cable installed as well. Time to cancel SoftBank fiber. A little slower, but definitely good enough.

  9. Went to Soleil Hill Park in Miura area with the family (minus my too-cool-for-school teen son). The park had just recently re-opened after much renovation. Cool way to spend a nice spring Saturday.

    Nearly had a seahawk/umitaka collide with me as he was making his escape with a slice of stolen pizza. If I hadn’t ducked, the bird and/or pizza would definitely have hit me in the face.

    Line for the gokarts didn’t LOOK like it was very long, but it was moving SO slowly; probably spent 20% of our time in the park just waiting in that line (for the three-minute circuit of ACTUAL go-kart driving).

    Still, fun, quality-time day.

  10. Took my kid to Kyoto, it was surprisingly less crowded than it was last month, and the weather wasn’t terrible either.

    Very confuse. Much empty. Aquarium was ghost town. Very nice.

  11. Got my sanshin. I can sense my neighbors writing passive-aggressive notes for the elevator already. It’s a really fun instrument but it’s not exactly quiet. Doesn’t help that you’re supposed to sing along for most songs.

  12. I just went to my part-time as usual working from 11:00 AM to 9:00PM. Nowadays I am busy doing myb household stuffs.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)

  13. Packed some more stuff up in preperation of going back home in a couple of months. Also finished Horizon Zero Dawn and the Frozen Wilds DLC Saturday night on my PC. Sunday, I finally got to start the Forbidden West sequel on my PS5. Got a lot of planning, packing, and prep to do on weekends from here on out though.

  14. Went to Tokyo on Saturday. What a jungle… queue to cross the street, people blocking the crowded road to look at their cellphones.
    Last time I went was in December and was so nice…
    Silver line is, I went to Noa cafe, nice place for a waffle

  15. Just getting my fishing gear ready for the upcoming vacation, so hyped up!!

    Unrelated, my daughter found out she was on a dokiri YouTube. Was peeved it had to be the day she had no makeup on, lol.

  16. life has been really annoying ever since I busted the inner tube on my bicycle, and this weekend reminded me as much. My city is NOT walkable at all. Hour roundtrip on foot just to do groceries. I guess I can replace the inner tube, but I’ve been meaning to replace my mamachari with a sportier bike for riding along the Biwako lakeside. Still trying to figure out if it’s worth it to fix this one or just spend that money on a used road bike.

  17. My pregnant wife and I were told a few weeks ago that our baby’s heart had stopped beating since the doctor couldn’t hear it. This weekend, she went back to the doctor, who was surprised to suddenly hear our baby’s heartbeat, and it turned out that they had thought it was a miscarriage the whole time but it wasn’t. Me and my wife are so happy to find out that our baby is still alive and growing.

  18. Went to Atami and looked at properties to buy a Beso. But decided not to go through with it.

  19. It’s Monday now but I don’t know where to put this and I’ll know I’ll forget it when the weekly praise thread comes out

    I’m just sitting in a bar in the mall and across the way saw a lady getting her picture taken for winning some sort of award/certificate at her work.

    She looked really happy. It made me feel happy too

    Ps: aw I just popped out to look what it was and it’s a wedding planner place

  20. I also gathered all the city/prefecture magazines and printouts for the month, made little packages of the six items, and put them in my neighbourhood mailboxes.

    Hancho Lyfe, yo.

  21. Woke up this morning suddenly feeling awful, of course right before golden week. Can barely move from my bed and my head hurts like hell every time I try to stand up. I don’t know why but in the year since I’ve moved here I’ve gotten sick 3 times and every time it’s been way worse than anything I’ve ever had in my home country. Before I would at least be able to look after myself if I’m sick but here I can always barely move and need my husband to bring me everything to the bed. Maybe I’m not used to some stuff that circulates here yet?

  22. I took a Weekend trip to Shizuoka, and this has so far been my favorite solo trip I’ve done since I’ve moved to Japan! The funny part was I came with 0 plan and booked it just the night before. Just wandering around the city and looking for Fuji viewpoints.

    My highlight actually happened by mistake; I found myself at the bottom of the Kunozan Toshogu shrine expecting a bus to Shimizu station that I didn’t initially realize wasn’t coming for 2 hours. The walk was the same as the wait time, so I decided to go for it. There were a lot of strawberry roadside stands along the way, and I got two cartons for super cheap that were legitimately the best strawberries I’ve ever had. Eating them along my walk to Shimizu was the most bliss I’ve felt in years, and is totally worth the intense sunburn I got on my calves from the asphalt.

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