Is it illegal to sign for and consume the contents of someone’s package that was clearly mistakenly sent to your address?

I sent something to my old address by accident (6 bottles of wine) and Sagawa said someone signed for it. They’re “checking on it” right now. Just curious if this happened to anyone.

  1. Probably yes. Unless maybe if it wasn’t addressed to anyone, but only to that address.

  2. Was it good wine? Next time send them the cheap stuff, see if they drink it or return it.

  3. I won one of those coke Christmas cakes one year. It was accidentally delivered to 103 instead of 203 in our building. They 100% accepted it and ate it. I wouldn’t say it’s uncommon.

  4. Yes, if it’s not returned file a police report. You’ll need to call and make an appointment at a real police station and go make the report in person. Expect it to take a painfully long time.

    The koban cops can’t help with this issue. They’ll just write something down and do nothing. This is the job of the real police.

  5. I once took a package by mistake. Last year moved into a new apartment and unfortunately, as I later discovered, previous tenant had the same surname of my gf (one of the most common, so not uncommon). Since she sends and receives a lot of packages for work, I took it without realizing the name was different. When she checks it, says it’s not for her and we ended up calling the shipping company and they came back few days later to take it. I had to open it because it was some frozen meat, probably furusato nozei, and honestly we were tempted to just eat it.

  6. Either someone opened it and drank it all or sent it back, either way they should comp you

  7. I had this food delivery during the early days of Covid. Had food left on my doorstep after the Uber driver rang the door bell and left, so I ate it all every time.

  8. I’ve gotten a missed delivery notice for the previous inhabitants and I’ve just simply not responded since it will go back to sender after a couple months. I was kind of wondering if I could get something for free if I was there though lol

  9. Yes of course. That’s stealing. They might have thoughtlessly signed for the package though, so give them a chance.

  10. I received a wrong package from Amazon before. The address wasn’t mine and was no near close to where I live, so I called Amazon and they told me to dispose it. It was a iPhone case or accessories or sth, nothing worthy if you are wondering.

  11. That’s really shitty. Yes, it’s illegal, but illegal, or not, I just find it so shitty that people would take something that wasn’t theirs and I wish this behaviour wasn’t being normalized.

  12. Yes it is.
    Well, I had that happening to me except that somehow my neighbors knew it was for me and they put it in front of our door (sharehouse, so I guess they recognized the gaikokujin’s name…..) but before that Amazon resent me another package as an apology.. so I had two for the price of one (in total 25 000 yen : D).

  13. Once got a yamato delivery of a parcel clearly not for me or my address.
    Brought it back to the local yamato warehouse (on the way to one of my favorite offroad trail -read: clearly not in the mood for administrative bullshit)
    Reach counter, give the parcel saying “watashee no namae janaille, watashi no djuusheeeo janaille… watasheee no janaille”
    Ok, brokenestet japanese ever… but when someone brings you a clearly delivered parcel saying that it’s not for him… maybe you can understand the situation from the context…

    But noooo…
    The momified zombie clerk had to grill me for 10 minutes, asking my name, my addresse, why I had this parcel and on and on…
    Took the parcel, put it in a trash bin in front of the counter… start leaving… another clerk rushed to say sorry and thank you..
    First time ever i faced this level of mind numbing incompetence from kuroneko yamato…

  14. Did this happen recently? If this was only a couple of days ago there’s a good chance they’ve realised the value of the package and returned it. Most people are fundamentally honest. But if it happened a few weeks ago then yes, I’m afraid they probably had a really great wine party at your expense. 🙁

    Food products are often marked as perishables (even for things like wine that are technically not perishables) so even if they were sent back to Sagawa they may refuse to send them on to you for H&S reasons.(They can’t guarantee if it’s still fresh, hasn’t been open, has been stored in the correct / sanitary conditions etc).

    You could try filing a police report but whether or not they’d actually do anything about it is another matter. It probably depends on where you live, if you’re in a big city they’ll likely shrug their shoulders but if you’re in a small town where there’s not much else to do they might get to work on it pretty quickly.

    Either way I’d wait to see what Sagawa says first. If it were me I’d feel awful sending the police to knock on someone’s door only to find out it’s been returned and sat in a depot the whole time!

  15. Guess not. The Postal Service delivered my wife’s package to the apartment building across the street. Some woman signed for the package and was using her items soon after till we found out.

  16. Happened exactly the same to me once.
    Complained to the transport company, but didn’t get any help. Police wasn’t of any help, as always.

    I understand that courier guys are always in a hurry, but it would be nice if they cared a little bit more for an identity document, specifically when giving away parcels to people who’s name is clearly not of Spanish procedence as it was in my case. For fucks sake, they even got the room number wrong. Also, even the name on the door was different from the package.
    さようなら to my long waited and beloved cheese ; ;

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