“fun” rant on sharehouse in tokyo

idek where to start… Anyway, im in this sharehouse in shin-okubo, and I been living there since november of last year. Everything was great, the sharehouse was clean, toilets too for that matter. Now, since last month, different people had moved in. There are people from Hong Kong, China, America, Brazil etc. Now, for some “odd” reason, it has gotten bad. We got a lady cooking for 2 straight hours and apparently, the lady is some dude’s mother who seem to lack the concept that “this aint your apartment, there are other ppl who wants or needs to cook”, but imma let it slide since I only seen her once. The toilet… there was pee on the floor, and just yesterday, someone clogged the toilet with shit and toilet paper. That was the last straw for me. I legit wrote a long ass note and stick it on the toilet door, telling whoever did it to legit go fuck yourself. I mean if you gonna do a number 2 where u clogged the toilet, unclog it yourself! Tf you leaving it there for? For us to admire it? Its been bad where I legit complain to the manager and the sharehouse company couple times, where i feel like a prick :/

  1. The fact that it’s in shin okubo tells it all. Even Japanese K-pop obsessed teenagers don’t want to live there.

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