Regular bedroom vs service room

I’m currently searching for a new house/mansion to buy. I visited a mansion model room and there were two plans with identical floor space and almost the same layout but one was 3LDK and the other was 1LDK+2S. Both units were priced the same.

I asked the guy who was showing me around and he explained that it’s because of the amount of sunlight the rooms receive. Comparing the plans, the rooms were on the same side of the building, one above the other, and they had the same windows. So I am not sure, maybe I misunderstood as my Japanese is not great.

I checked online and some articles also state it’s because of sunlight and ventilation requirements.

Are there any other factors that determine whether a room is a service room or a regular bedroom? Presumably a service room can still be used as a bedroom? Should it affect the price?


  1. Perhaps a neighboring building blocks some (all?) of the sunlight to one of the units, but not the other? If so, I can only guess the 3LDK unit is on a higher floor than the 1LDK+2S unit…

  2. There is a minimum number of hours that a room must receive sunlight to be able to be called a bedroom. The 2 Service rooms in the second place must be getting below that limit.

    You can do whatever you want in those, just understand the limited natural light they will receive.

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