washing machine and warm water


We only have cold water for the washing machine and I am wondering whether I could somehow plug/connect it to the warm water supply. There is a tube that can suck up water from the bath tub already but does anyone know of adapter of some sort to connect it to the tab in the bath (there is one close the floor which also has warm water)?

I am total newb when it comes to these household things. Any advice would be much appreciated.

  1. The internet makes it sound like you can (when I searched just now in Japanese) but I don’t know myself how to do it. I’m surprised to hear it’s possible TBH. I hope you can find a way, maybe try googling your model + お湯洗い (oyu arai) in Japanese for instructions

  2. I am going to post some rando stuff because I have long heard there is debate on whether warm water is materially better for washing clothes:
    “Is it better to wash clothes in cold or hot water? Cold water washing can actually be more effective than washing clothes in warm or hot water. Hot water can set stains into the fabric, making them more challenging to remove. Cold water is also gentler on fabric, meaning that it is less likely to damage your clothing.”

    Part of the value with warm water is the chemical reaction it can cause, but I believe that has something to do with phosphates that are in US detergent, but (I believe) jot in Japanese detergents.

    I didn’t research the info or quality of the quote, but might be worth confirming before putting in the effort.

  3. Sounds like you need a pump. I believe people used to use a bucket to recycle used but still warm water as the cleaning cycle for the washing machine (use clean water for the rinse cycles).

  4. Use cold water like most people do. Will save you money, in addition to being environnementaly better

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