Do I have until the day my residence card expires to start the renewal process?

My residence card will expire at the end of this month so I’ve been getting the documents together that I need for renewal. I had planned to go to immigration next week to apply, but while I was searching for something today I saw a “helpful guide to visa renewal” article that stated you must start the process 30 days before the date of expiry on the card. Is this correct? I can’t see anything about it on the MoJ website but I’m freaking out a bit coz I won’t be able to go tomorrow, and then everything is shut for Golden Week!

  1. It’s not recommended to wait that late, but you will still have 3 weeks if you go next week. No problem.

  2. You can submit your renewal from 3 months before, and up to the printed date of expiry on your residence card. 1 day late, and you’ll have problems.

    If your residence card expires on a weekend or public holiday, you *must* submit your renewal before it expires.

    You really shouldn’t wait till the last minute… if all your documents are not in order, immigration can refuse to accept your application, and you’d be left scrambling.

    If you have a plastic myNumber card, and a card reader, I am to understand it is possible to [submit your renewal online]( Don’t forget to go to your ward office to extend the expiry date of your myNumber card too.

  3. Just to add my experience, I totally forgot to renew mine and rushed to immigration the day after it expired. The issued me a new card with no problems. I have a PR.

  4. You can apply from 3 months before the expiration date, and I think they recommend going as early as possible because depending on your city it can take a long time. My company took ages getting the required documents together so I also went a little late last time I had to do it. In any case, they extend your stay by two months from the time of submission to make sure there’s enough time for your new card to arrive so it shouldn’t be a huge problem even if you go last minute.

  5. Yes, you can begin the process at any time before the day it expires. Keep in mind that the MoJ can take as long as it likes to process you and will give itself (and you) a two-month extension the day you initiate the process.

  6. I have applied on the day before expiry before.

    The pros is that your next card will be valid 1/3 years from the day it was issued. So you can get “a free month” (I applied late November for let’s say November 30th expiry and new card is valid until January 10th one year later).

    The cons is extra stress (depends on your situation and personality) and issues with My Number card that expires when your Zairyu card expires. If you update your zairyu card before expiry, you can extend the My Number card, while if it has expired in between, you need to create a new card. I don’t use My Number card so this is what I was told on this sub before when asking “why would anyone renew early?”

  7. You should’ve done it 2 months ago.

    Waiting is irresponsible and can just get you in trouble.
    Do it asap

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