Live in Japan. Thinking of buying a PS5 to chat online and learn while having fun.

Any games that are vocal? Preferably voice chat? Or am I wasting my money due to the quite nature of Japanese?

  1. My husband (28M, Japanese) plays pretty actively on both PS4 and Discord. I think he mostly plays with his IRL friends though on PS4. On Discord he only joins parties (guilds? Sorry I don’t know the terms well) for the games he’s really into. Though when he was a college student / recent grad he used to be really into COD and the like. He said he often had English speaking foreigners on his team back then (it’s randomly assigned right?). I dunno if this is helpful but maybe trying to join a specific group or party or guild is an easier way to ease into chatting with people

  2. If you’re into mmos, FF14 is pretty big and people were pretty open to chatting, at least over text. I assume if you found a group of people to play with they’d have a discord or something as well.

  3. In my experience, if you’re okay with playing FPS on a console instead of a PC, Apex Legends is great for chatting with random Japanese people. It’s also incredibly popular here. Plus, it’s free.

  4. If you’re not doing any serious learning (aka reading about fundamental grammar, kanji etc) your chances of getting anywhere are next to zero.
    Pick up a good textbook or google some nifty resources online. Learn at your own pace and try picking up beginner-friendly media as you go along.

  5. I also used to play league of legends and just asked in every lobby if they got a discord server going, got invited into a few and ahad some fun games

  6. I’ve been a bit hesitant to jump into it, but i see things like VR Chat and Apex legends are really popular overseas, I’ve been waiting to jump into that stuff in particular

  7. As others have said Apex Legends but also Overwatch seem to be super popular in Japan rn

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