How are your 2023 resolutions/study goals holding up?

So it’s been four months (holy shit, my dudes, we’re one-third of the way done), and I was just curious.

As for me, my goal of reading a minimum of one chapter of **something** daily has somehow not been broken yet. I even got in at least one piece of prose fiction per month thus far. The rest of it has been manga. On good days when I’m on a roll, I get in two or even three volumes per day. I’m glad to say that most of the time, it’s frustrations with the story that make me call it a day at my minimum threshold, as opposed to frustrations with the language. One panel in ドメスティックな彼女 in particular nearly made me rage-quit the volume and the series halfway through.

Along the way, the aforementioned frustrations gave me the opportunity to slow down on the reading and watch stuff again. I’ve been trying to catch up on 名探偵コナン for the past couple of years, and I’ve made good progress there in April especially. I haven’t decided if I’m gonna continue to the currently airing episodes since I still have a long way to go, but I’ll at least keep at it until they stop using my favourite artist’s music (ZARD, by the way). For the record, I’ve watched 320 episodes so far. I started close to three years ago.

With the variety of stuff I’ve been doing, I’ve taken up journaling in Japanese again right as April is about to end. I usually think to myself that I don’t have enough thoughts I want to get out of my head and onto paper, but with all the reading I’ve been doing, I’ve noticed I have very strong opinions about a lot of the things I read and watch, both good and bad. I said “into paper,” but actually I’ve been learning more towards digital journaling. I can handwrite just fine, but ironically, my Japanese typing on a physical keyboard sucks even though I’m decent when typing in English, so this should hopefully fix (or at least help) that. Plus I can just copy and paste into LangCorrect if I want feedback… That is, if I’m not too self-conscious about sharing with the class.

  1. So far so good. I finished about [6 JPRGs]( and read a few novels. I still have 4 novels to go to meet a specific new year’s resolution goal I had to finish this light novel series, but I think I can manage before the end of the year. Also Final Fantasy 16 comes out in about a month, and that’s something I’m looking forward to. My plan was to try and finish all the 軌跡 game entries, but it was more of a stretch goal. This year so far I finished Trails in the Sky SC, Trails in the Sky 3rd, Trails from Zero, Trails of Azure, and Trails of Cold Steel 2 (I already finished 1 last year). Currently playing Cold Steel 3. I think there’s another 4 trails games after this (5 if we include Nayuta which is more like a spin-off), maybe I’ll be able to finish all by the end of the year. Each of them is like 80-100 hours long though.

  2. I planned to catch up with One Piece this year (starting from somewhere around chapter 550 at beginning of the year). I was a bit lazy and distracted by other stuff in the first 3 month and only made slow progress. But however i focused a bit more on One Piece in april and managed to read about 150-200 chapters. Reached chapter 815 yesterday, only about 300 more to go. So i would say i’m back on track.

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