Qutting a job I just started?

I just started a new part time job in Tokyo but it’s turning out to not be what I expected, and I don’t feel I can keep up with its particular demands. In my contract it says I must give 30 days notice, but I do know the legal minimum is 2 weeks, right? Also, I saw some comments on other threads mentioning that, if i’ve been employed there for less than 14 days I don’t need to give notice, but I can’t find anything about that on google. Does anyone have any insights on what I should be doing?
I really don’t want to go in for the shifts I’ve been scheduled this month; I’d of course help find covers since the company/people themselves are fine, I was just under the impression from the job lisiting/interview that the job would be somehting different.

  1. I quit a job after one day. In the probation period you don’t owe them anything. You want to get paid however, so try to work something out with them so you leave on good terms.

  2. If it’s not their fault and the job was basically as advertised, it’s generally considered good etiquette to give two weeks notice if you realize it’s not something you can do on your end.

    If they misrepresented the job or are being unreasonable, in such a short time you don’t really owe them anything. In any case, it’s highly unlikely a part time job will do anything more than drag their feet on paying you for what you are owed.

  3. The way I understood it is:

    “Employees must give 30 days notice” is unequivocally a company rule like no p0rn in computers, no dating students etc.

    What happens when you break a company rule that isn’t unconstitutional? You get fired.

    So the worst thing that can happen to you for not giving 30 days notice is getting fired.

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