Any downside to payment history from wife’s bank account for UR apt in my name?

Despite a bunch of comments in a recent thread indicating that maybe SBI Shinsei would now work with automatic payments for UR housing, repeated calls and emails to UR today confirms that no, they do not work with SBI Shinsei.

I’m sort of sick of having to manually do a transfer for rent every month, when every utility, internet bill, etc, will just automatically pull the money from my bank, and I already send money to my wife’s account so she can buy groceries and whatnot, so why not just send enough so the automatic payments to UR can come from her bank account?

Well, Japan being Japan, I have no idea if this is a bad idea and will impact our ability to get a loan or something in the future. I make decent money which covers all our expenses, and she takes care of our kid. I work at home, so it’s pretty nice for both of us really, but I’m sure it’s more work to be a housewife than it is to write software and sit in meetings all day anyway. So all the utilities, and lease with UR are all in my name, but if the payments come from her account, is that going to screw us over in the future when I perhaps have to apply for a home loan at Shinsei and they can’t see any rent history anymore?

  1. Wtf is “Japan being Japan”

    People who think like this just make their lives unnecessarily miserable and difficult. Always overthinking everything to the point of insanity.

    Just have her pay from her account. It will affect absolutely nothing. There’s no such thing as “rent history”. Where does that even come from?

  2. > I’m sort of sick of having to manually do a transfer for rent every month

    With my inaka bank’s 1994-themed internet banking, it was still pretty easy for me to set up an automatic monthly furikomi in the amount of my rent to my landlord, does Shinsei not have an option for that?

  3. > is that going to screw us over in the future when I perhaps have to apply for a home loan at Shinsei and they can’t see any rent history anymore?

    No idea, but if you’re worried that might be a case, be sure to keep records from both accounts that demonstrate that yes, you are paying the rent, just via this other account because Shinsei. Or maybe when the time comes, UR could issue you with a letter to say you are up-to-date on rent.

    What you might want to watch out for is a long-term buildup of a non-trivial amount of savings on your wife’s account stemming from payments from your account, as that could be seen as a gift from you to your wife, and would be taxable.

  4. You can open an account on their net bank, Sumishin SBI net bank. It has a function to automatically deposit from SBI bank, you can set it as monthly thing. And it also has the function to schedule fund transfer to other banks and it can be scheduled monthly too.

  5. You probably just have to tell UR that the rent is coming from an account in her name and not yours (assuming yours is the name on the rental contract).

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