Has anyone else had really bad experience as a women traveling in Japan (Tokyo)?

This is my first time traveling to Tokyo, and I’ve been having a great time. However I’ve never been groped, fondled more in this week then in my entire 27 years of life. It’s really starting to sour the experience. I’m had my butt, vagina, breast groped. Even going under my shirt.

This has happened on the train, club, bar and just plain street. Pretty much anytime there is a crowd.

The times that I saw who it was, they would just pretend nothing happened. Staff don’t care.

Is this a normal occurrence?

Edit: Just so people know I have taken preventive measures, I didn’t go out alone. Met with other solo travelers. Avoided rush hours and have been taking Ubers. Staying in Ginza. Have just been wearing plain shirts and jeans. It’s happened in broad day light with lots of people around.

  1. I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’ve been here six years and never had it once but I’m not their type. They don’t go for the the type that stands out too much. They usually target the type that looks like they wouldn’t make a fuss. Next time grab their hand and yell chikan!

  2. im sorry this has been ur experience. 🙁 im going in june for the first time and im scared of this as well.

  3. My first time going there alone, random men would come up trying to “buy” me. Sometimes they’d grab my arm or follow me around or else simply block my path. I was maybe 21 or 22 at the time and completely baffled by this. I guess it’s because I looked obviously foreign, but not obviously western, so they automatically decided I was a prostitute…? My speaking English deterred no one. I tried to avoid it by covering up more (it was summer). Didn’t help. The only thing that helped was not going out alone.

    I did get better at avoiding it on subsequent visits but this mostly involved walking faster.

    When I asked about it, people seemed to think it was just a Tokyo issue. People compared it to Las Vegas…?? Whatever that means 🥲 It’s true that it never happened to me outside of Tokyo. It was always around a crowded train station. And I never got groped, just solicited. Kinda like those scenes in shojo manga, except I thought those were made up for dramatic effect…

  4. I’m so sorry this has happened to you. While I’ve never had it happen to me in all the years of traveling and living in Japan, I’ve never had it happen to me— very different from the US where I’ve had it happen several times.

    Next time yell loudly and make a big fuss. Yell chikan or whatever comes to you in the moment. I hear they try to prey on women who they think won’t call them out.

    I’m sorry these asshats are being terrible to you, and that the people you reached out to for help didn’t do anything. This obviously isn’t your fault.

  5. When I was younger (20-22) yes, it happened. Mostly in clubs, which are dicey for that in most countries, but definitely more often. Never on the train because I avoided rush hour or used the women only train car (marked on the platform by a pink marker with flowers, operates only during rush hours). Sadly this car exists because it’s a bit of a Thing in Japan.

    I had a lot of friends though that never experienced it. I assume in my case it was because I had prominent boobs and butt, and looked shy enough that they’d get away with it.

  6. Mostly no, but I’m so sorry to hear this has happened to you. I’ve been hardcore stared at in a train, which I didn’t realise until being told later. I’ve also had my backside groped at a festival but couldn’t tell who did it when I looked around. My own experiences don’t deter me from solo travel but I know anything can still happen.

  7. A female friend of mine living in Kumamoto has told me that the best way to get these scum lords on the back foot is to whip out your phone, start recording and shove it in their face and start chewing them out. Some women also keep pins on their person that they can grab and prick (stab) unwanted hands with.

    If your luck has genuinely been THIS bad with this stuff, start sticking to the women’s only cars on the train when ever possible, stay on the outer edge of crowds, and get pictures and video of your attacker and go STRAIGHT to the nearest Koban or train authority.

  8. Sorry to hear that happened to you… personally I’ve only had it once in a crowded train when I was 18. My mum was right next to me but it was so crowded I think she didn’t notice and I didn’t want to worry her so I didn’t say anything. This was in Tokyo around 2015.
    Since then I haven’t had it again, I visited Japan 3 times since, maybe I was lucky, but it can still happen to anyone. Now I live in Osaka and I haven’t had any groping still in my year or so living here but I have had 4 encounters with “Butsukari otoko”, men who deliberately crash into you (probably some weird sort of power thing) and they go off so fast you can rarely do anything.
    I can always tell it’s deliberate because either I’m trying to move out the way of them when walking and they slam me so hard instead of trying to move themselves too, or I’ve had a few times where I’ve just been standing still and they’ve gone into me full force (once standing in the queuing area for the train and another time I was against a station wall trying to text my friend).

  9. Next time.somebody grope you, shout CHIKAN, point to the guy. Happened to me too. Takr care.

  10. I wasn’t a fan of Tokyo, so I didn’t spend much time there. They have female-only (women-only – not sure what term to use) train cars because groping is a huge issue

  11. I’m really sorry this has happened to you!! 😕😕 I’ve lived here for over a year and it’s never happened to me, but I also don’t really go to the party areas where it’s more likely. It definitely happens, unfortunately. Be ready to yell CHIKAN and get mean. Don’t physically assault because that will backfire if it’s you vs a Japanese person, but be loud. I know it’s easier said than done though 😕

  12. Wow I’m so sorry this happened to you. My experience was that Japan was overall respectful and safe.

    I didn’t experience nightlife in Japan and pretty much always found seats on trains during rush hour but still someone shouldn’t fear being groped if they’re standing on a crowded train. So sorry.

  13. Some crazy ass rape culture in Japan. Can’t say one is surprised tho when you see the absolutely degenerate porn they have and the history of sexual violence and abuse that Japanese men have propagated throughout history

  14. Oh my god, so sorry you’re experiencing this. This worries me a bit actually as I’m like you, I’m a black woman who will be traveling alone to Japan in a few weeks.

  15. Not a ton in Tokyo, but both my friend and I have been inappropriately grabbed during our 2 week Japan trip.

  16. I’m sorry they are physically touching you! It’s a horrible thing to experience. I had a similar experience. We were going home from karaoke at night and stopped because a guy started talking to us. Suddenly in the corner of my eye a japanese man is at the corner watching us and I notice that he was… well touching himself while looking at us. I told my friend and we instantly left but he then started to follow us. We saw a group of male foreigners and stopped to be with them. The japanese guy then stopped and went another way. Never experienced something like that before so open to the public.

  17. I’ve lived here for quite a while and I did have quite a few bad experiences in the past. Mostly around Shibuya, Shinjuku etc. even just walking down the street I was propositioned, chased by salarymen…
    I went to a club with a friend in Roppongi and Yokosuka and never again. Roppongi was horrible.
    I’ve only been groped on the train once or twice and that was when I first came here. I’m married with a kid now so I don’t really go to those areas anymore.

    If someone touches you or makes you feel threatened. Just shout or swear at them as loudly as you can. English is scarier (apparently! My husband said so).

    I’m sorry this happened to you and I just want to say I hope it doesn’t put you off. I think it really depends on the area and time of night, most of the time.

  18. Oh wow. I’m currently on my 5th trip to Japan (2x solo) and have never had this happen.

  19. I haven’t been to Japan yet but this used to happen to me all the time in my 20s when I lived in NYC, especially during off peak times if the subway platform was less crowded. It’s incredibly violating and I’m so sorry this happened to you. <3

  20. I had two men purposefully walk into my path and elbow me super forcefully in the chest. Both happened on temple/park grounds. I have no idea what set them off. My v-neck? My white partner (I’m Asian)? Speaking English? Who knows.

    One was definitely not an accident – my husband noticed that the man had crossed the entire crowded path from one side to do it and he veered back on his original direction afterwards. I was pretty thrown off guard and my husband was just so flabbergasted.

  21. Any specific areas you were in? It’s way more likely to happen in shadier areas like the red light district of Shinjuku were a lot of clubs are. It’s best to stay away from areas like that if you’re a solo female. It’s also quite easy to wander in to red light areas as a lot of them in Tokyo are only like a block away from major stations.

  22. I am so sorry you had these awful experiences. I would be upset too. My experience was fine traveling alone but I am in my 40s. I only had one guy standing too close/bumping into me in a line at Disney. When I told him to stop he cut the other line and got ahead.

  23. I don’t get Japan etiquette. Don’t do this, Don’t do that, Don’t speak loudly, Don’t wear perfume, Don’t eat and walk, Don’t use your phone in a train….

    But it’s totally OK to grope a woman if you see one you like.

  24. Piggybacking off a lot of comments here that mention to stay away from Shinjuku . Where would you recommend to stay? I am mid 30s and travelling solo in Japan (Tokyo for a week) in July. Where would be recommended in Tokyo? (Have booked Shinjuku but can still change it)

  25. Ugh so gross and I’m so sorry this is happening. This is the reason why they made it mandatory to add a sound when taking photos (because men are disgusting on the train) and they have women-only train cars. I hope it doesn’t happen again, but please call them out the next time! Like someone commented earlier, yell “chi-kahn” (pervert) and find a women-only car. I think it’s usually at the front of the train.

  26. I’m so sorry this happened to you 😔 This also happened to me on my solo trip a month ago.. I was in Ueno park in the evening for the cherry blossom illuminations and I’ve never been harassed so much! One younger guy tried to hold my hand and kept asking to kiss me, finally got him to leave me alone after saying I had to go meet a friend. Then an old man came up to me out of nowhere and starts rubbing my hand like crazy, asking if I’m a model and groped my breasts and started moaning after which I immediately was like NOPE NOPE NOPE and ran the other way. Headed straight back to the station after that. I was so shocked, really didn’t expect this to happen in such a busy public area, especially a park. Was wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt with a big coat too lol..

  27. My friend told me if anyone ever groped me to just start screaming at them english (she called it Gaijin smash) and/or yell Chikan while pointing at them. The point is to make a scene, call them out and embarrass them.

  28. I am so sorry this happened to you, I am in Tokyo now (just arrived) and as a black woman travelling solo I am glad for the warning because everything I saw gave the impression Japan is one of the places safe to travel while black and female (if you follow your normal vigilance).

    I hope this stops for you and I wish it wasn’t a thing at all.

  29. Oh my god, that’s awful! I’m so sorry you had to experience that. What assholes!!! Please don’t feel like it’s anything you did. These guys are just complete losers who don’t respect women, and there is nothing you did to encourage them, aside from…, you know… existing as a woman.

  30. Many girl friends, Japanese and non-Japanese, have complained about sexual harassment all over Japan. Police will not do anything about it. I don’t think I’ve ever met a Japanese girl that has never been groped on a train.

    You will probably only be groped though, compared to something worse happening. It’s also sick because the “make yourself someone they won’t harass by being a loud foreigner” is 100% true

  31. I’m sorry to hear that happened!! I spent two weeks traveling around Tokyo at the end of March and never had any issue. I felt safe anywhere I went. Granted I was always with or within sight of my husband the whole time, but that doesn’t always matter to pervs.

  32. Wow as a black woman who’s been to Tokyo I’ve never been touched I’m so sorry you’ve experienced that. That’s not okay!

  33. I’m sorry this happened to you. What you wear has nothing to do with it, creeps will grope you regardless of whether you’re naked or dressed in a potato sack.

  34. Oh my god!! I had three creepy encounters, one dude rubbed against me but nothing worse than that thankfully. I am white/Latina. I am shocked by this treatment but also not, somehow. I genuinely think race has to be the factor for them here. I am so sorry you’re going through this. Fucking awful.

  35. Im sorry that that happened to you. Im currently in Tokyo F(32) with my best friend F(31) and we have not experienced anything.

    I must say we came from a contry that also tends to have a lot of sexual assault so we instinctly follow certain rules that lower this kind of stuff (which is bad as we shouldnt be doing it as this shouldnt happen)

    Some tips: never go into the train in rush hour. Wait till you see a train where you can get into a safe place without crowds. Always try to get in the last or first car as there it is where the choffer is.

    Use a backpack or a bag that is big enough to cover your behind.

    If something doesnt feel right, its ok to stop so People can pass you or to Just get out of line. Trust your woman instics.

    Dont go into weird alleys if you are alone
    Walk with confidence as if you know where are you going. Even if you have your cellphone at hand following a map Just look confident.

    If you cant get confidence at that moment, there is a trick my big Sister taught me: Just remember something that made you really mad, something that someone did to you in the past. Like when you are having a really bad Day and is someone tries to do something to you they Will gonna get it.

    Hope it helps, but remember its not our fault at all. I hate those kind of Men.

  36. Hmm, we just returned back from our trip in Japan. We didn’t face any such issues while we were in Tokyo.

  37. This really sucks to hear because since I have no one to travel to jaoan with I was considering doing solo travel. But.. im a 4’8″ woman whos very petite so im really reconsidering going 🙁

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