Best resource to drill grammar?

I’ve been self learning Japanese for the past 3 months, I have read through genki 1 and am working through the work book and I am going through Italki lessons to practice speaking and listening. For kanji and tango vocab I use Anki, and in the past I did level 1 of LingoDeer but I didn’t find I retained much very well, although going through both LingoDeer and Genki on a topic made it pretty firm in my head.

My monthly subscription to LingoDeer and I’m not sure if it’s worth continuing. I would be more interested in it if it was the same lessons as Genki, but it’s not really aligned very often, and I dislike their review system as it’s mostly multiple choice or repeating sentences I learned the first time. It’s not bad but it’s not cheap and I’m wondering if there’s something better.

I really want a new app to try to drill grammar as I feel I understand it in the moment but may forget it a week later, and I enjoy the seratonin hit of completing grammar on an app. I’m trying the free month of bunpro right now, but I’m not super into it right off the bat as I felt I learned more vocab doing LingoDeer which is helpful.

Does anyone have recommendations for apps to use or a better way to improve my grammar? Is LingoDeer worth the high cost these days or even just a few more months ?

  1. Unfortunately as far as grammar apps are concerned LingoDeer is considered top tier. As fun as apps can be they really haven’t been able to replace good old fashion studying.

  2. If grammar is your focus, then check out the YuSpeak app, which has detailed grammar explanations and mockup scenarioe for applying them.

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