Do AI bots like ChatGPT threaten humanity if left unchecked?

Do AI bots like ChatGPT threaten humanity if left unchecked?

  1. Of what? Writing lots of unflattening poems and drive us to suicide?

    Remember ChatGPT is a large language module. Nothing more nothing less. It certainly will threaten certain kind of jobs, like copy-editing. But it is not going to kill us all, not unless some idiots connect it to nukes.

  2. [optimizes death threats for flow and clarity based on information gathered up to 2021]

  3. Humanity is doing a fine job by itself threatening everything than worrying about bots. Sit back and enjoy the ride.

  4. Rather than Terminator style wars (AI/cyborg versus humans) I think the combination of AI and deepfakes has incredible power to be used to divide political opinions in a damaging way. Us humans will do the rest with increased human vs human conflict.

  5. Only if one of the eggheads decides that it’s a good idea to give them drills instead of hands.

  6. Stupid headline.

    Its not the AI bots, its the people who will maliciously program them to blast around the internet doing their dirty work.

    We will be massively misinformed so that people can get rich. And people trying to get rich will literally destroy everything, including their own source of income, to get rich.

    Slavery did not become illegal because greedy people are humanitarians. It became illegal because those jerks had to be forced to stop. But they still want slaves. And a confused populace are easy to make into slaves.

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