PayPay to stop accepting outside credit cards


So you can only link PayPay credit card after July. If you don’t, the only option left is to top up cash. I feel that’s kind of monopoly, isn’t it?

  1. > I feel that’s kind of monopoly, isn’t it?

    More like bait-and-switch. It’s not like PayPay has a monopoly over the QR payment market, and most services doesn’t even allow using outside CC in the first place.

  2. I really hate the way payment systems work in Japan. Its likely partly due to regulatory issues(which is just shit regulation), but it is so fucking fragmented and chaotic it’s borderline unusable. You can use hundreds, but you can only top up with a credit card in some cases, or send cash to some bank account with a reference(even if that is hidden from user). Some places accept different types of services but not all. Your money basically stuck on them if you top up. They spam you with points. Not to mention the billions of point cards which are almost worthless(spend 500 Yen and get 1 yen in points). Why the fuck would i want to carry them all around. If you can go digital then here is 20 apps which are all closed off to each other.

    Its a fucking joke. It feels like literally any service you use that handles money for you at all will try push you into some annoying payment system of their own.
    Any open competitive product is just cock blocked by regulators. They don’t want a free convenient fintech/payment system in Japan and i have no idea why. I can only speculate the right people in the right places make more from funnelling users/money through these restrictive apps.

  3. I personally use QuicPay with Apple for day-to-day purchases and LinePay (which runs through PayPay) at places that don’t accept LinePay. The money from LinePay I get from when I go out with mates and someone pays and we split the fee to that one person. In that sense, it’s kind of a closed ecosystem, but useful in places where they don’t take QuicPay.

  4. Might like to note that there are some (most?) credit cards give no points (0%), and a few give half the usual points, when used through a payment service like PayPay. You’ll need to look into the details of the points program of the specific card that you use. But, because of this, there is usually almost no reason to use an “outside” credit card with them.

  5. What’s so special about these alternative payment systems anyway? If not credit card directly, and/or if not PayPal, why even bother using their services?

  6. on Softbank, at least, you can still Top-Up PayPay as a charge to your phone bill (minimum 1000 yen per top-up, max 80k yen per month). Hope that stays around.

  7. I opened a PayPay bank account because my local bank has their own payment service and refuses to support PayPay, so I couldn’t link it to my account. The advantage of having a PayPay bank account is that I can now use all of their features and use Pay Later to top up my points. They gave me both a debit card and a credit card. I just have to remember to transfer enough money from my local bank account to my PayPay bank account every month to cover whatever charges and top ups I make.

  8. >the only option left is to top up cash

    You can top up from your bank account. [](

    It’s still a good option for people who don’t want to use a credit card but not much use for others.

  9. PayPay was legit though. In Tokyo they had 30% point back campaigns for like 6 months

  10. Credit card promotion is less aggressive comparing to my home country. (perhaps Japan is normal but my home country is not)

  11. I believe for PayPay to link any other card forces them to pay commission for each transaction, which cuts from their own commission they’re collecting from merchants.

    It sucks though that they suddenly stop providing a service which previously was available. Its like a snack that you got addicted to and suddenly dissappears from the conbini.

  12. I’m not surprised. I signed up to and tried to use PayPay a couple of times and it was always horrible. I wouldn’t be sad if PayPay went away entirely.

    On the other hand, I pay for nearly everything with Rakuten Pay these days. I’m “lucky” enough to live in an area where everything gives Rakuten points and accepts Rakuten pay, so it’s quite easy. It is linked directly to my credit card, too, so there’s no need to top up or anything like that.

    I just have to make sure I un-tick all of the mail magazines they try to trick you into subscribing to when buying stuff online.

  13. Never understood why people would use PayPay apart from sending money to each other easily. Credit cards are way easier to use and don’t require topping up every now and then. Plus they’re accepted at most places where you can pay in other ways than with cash

  14. I was using AU Pay to buy things via the internet and that was shut down 8 months ago.

  15. JP and other banks stopped working with them and now you can’t use credit cards . . . the fuck kind of business model are they running?

  16. Been using my other cc in paypal for groceries and all. Because they simple reject my cc application and cant even reapply. Looks like waving good bye to paypay soon.

  17. Then I’m probably switching to QuicPay and continue using Rakuten. Can’t for the life of me load any balance into PayPay because my name is too long and the bank names do not match. Super annoying.

    And no I’m not going to withdraw cash just to put it back in again using a 7-11 atm.

    Fuck you PayPay

  18. If you have a phone with SoftBank/Yahoo mobile/ Linemo, you can charge PayPay and it will be paid for with whatever credit card you use to pay your phone bill.

    First I register my US credit card (or whatever credit card you want) to pay your phone bill at the store. Next I link my phone account to my PayPay account, then in the PayPay app when you want to top up, make sure to choose the option that sends the bill to your phone. Voilá

  19. Screw PayPay. I closed my account. Wanted to link it to my bank account (also PayPay) for charging purposes but they wouldn’t let me because the account holder names were different (they weren’t but some nonsense with spacing of the middle name). No matter what I tried, impossible to link the two. Infuriating.

  20. I just started using PayPay. I linked it to my yahoo Japan wallet, which is where my credit card comes into play. Think that’ll still be alright?

  21. When I bought a new SIM card the store clerk downloaded PayPay on my phone (without consent, not even mentioning anything) AND made an account too! You can imagine my surprise when I got my phone back.

  22. You can top up with cash? At no fee? If there is no fee, I understand the no card rule. If they charge a fee for loading I’ll never start using their system. I was just about to start an account

    But yeah, if they are using only their card it’s a bitch move

  23. Yeah. I could never use my American card for it. I’ve always had to fill it with cash at the konbini.

    Same with most japanese apps, because I can’t use it with DiDi or Aircle either.

  24. I pretty much only use cash and sometimes a credit card. People will tell me all the time I am missing out on points, discounts, etc. but it’s 100% worth it to never ever have to deal with headaches like this. These companies are almost never worth doing business with, and since pretty much everywhere I go takes phone NFC payments now, I have zero incentive to use these apps if I ever decided to not use the above methods of cash or card.

  25. This sucks! A lot of restaurants I frequent only accept cash or paypay, and using paypay I could accrue airmiles…

    Credit card only works at large chains and even then, most don’t accept contactless credit cards. Gotta shove the thing in and punch in a pin code, ugh.

  26. The governments want everyone to spend spend spend. Between this latest and ATM’s that shut down, you just have to wonder ??

  27. PayPay, the only app I hate more than Line and that’s saying something.

    The only two apps in the world that I absolutely can’t stand PayPay and Line.

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