Did my Spouse Vise got approved? Was it that fast?

I just got back from the consulate here in Chicago.
– I’m married to a Japanese National and I have his mom and him as my guarantors
– brought all the documents, they said I brought everything correctly, and said I should come back to pick it up in one week. They kept my passport.
Was it really that simple? Is is really just one week? Is there still a chance they can deny my spouse visa?

  1. Yep, it really is. I felt that same way (we’re in almost identical situations it seems like, even down to my wife and I going to the consulate in Chicago lol) but sure enough it only took 4 working days! We were nervous until we got them in hand but I think we just psyched ourselves out. They didn’t call and we were able to go and pick up not only a spousal visa, but also passports for my wife and daughter. That’s Japanese efficiency for you!

  2. Yes it is that easy.

    I find it funny that you can get a spouse visa to live in Japan in a few days but getting a spouse visa to live in the US takes a year.

  3. Yes, once you have the CoE the visa issuing is very quick. Most things at the Japanese consulate are very fast compared to what we deal for US paperwork where it takes weeks to get a new passport issued and a year for a Green Card for a spouse.

  4. Yes, LA embassy says something similar on their website for visa applications (5 working days upon receival). I don’t know how they do it but it seems to be real.

  5. Were you able to get your visa?

    I asked about applying without a COE and they just told me to get someone in Japan to apply for the COE for me.

    What reason did you use for not being able to apply for a COE in Japan?

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