Pronunciation of ぜ

Isn’t the pronunciation of ぜ sometimes different from “ze” and sounds more like “dze” like in the word

絶対 ( ぜったい ) ?


According to [this](, 絶対 has this pronunciation : \[d͡ze̞t̚ta̠i\]


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  1. I’ve never heard of that. I always hear and pronounce it as ze. never had a problem

  2. The ざ line is often pronounced with a ‘dz’ sound, especially if they’re at the beginning of a sentence or after a pause.

  3. Good catch! You’re hearing this right; the “z” in Japanese is more like “dz” when in an initial position (I believe in technical terms you’d say it changes from a fricative to an affricate?). Ever since I learnt about this I keep noticing it with 残念、全部、全然 in particular, as well as with how Hunter x Hunter’s narrator pronounces 絶 in the [Nen explanation intro](, haha.

    Sources: [link 1](, [link 2]( (btw Dogen’s “pizza” example in English is actually off the mark here — “pizza” is “pitsa”, not “pidza” — but that has no bearing on the Japanese of course).

  4. Can be. /z/ is one of the variable sounds, it’s often but not always affricated to [dz] in initial position.

  5. I have noticed it too. Not with ZO though or much less noticeable.

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