I found my peanut butter. TLDR: ユウキ ピーナッツペースト

I was looking for my [Laura Scudder’s Natural Smooth](https://www.laurascudderspeanutbutter.com/products/natural-peanut-butter/smooth) replacement ever since I moved here and I found [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/comments/o7lny0/peanut_butter/) with some good suggestions. The My Protein PB was decent but not the same (a bit bland?), the PBs on iHerb were sold out, and I was also looking for a brick and mortar option. I went to a local 業務スーパー-like store ([Otsuki Shokuhinkan/大槻食品館](https://ootuki-carrot.com/about/)) and happened upon [Youki Peanut Paste/ユウキ ピーナッツペースト(花生醤)](https://www.youki.jp/shopdetail/000000000750/).

Came here to post because it’s a solid option. 100% peanuts and it’s pretty close to Laura Scudder’s down to the room temp oil separation. Same can be said about its consistency when refrigerated after stirring. Might be a bit stickier. I can’t remember the price but I don’t remember it being super expensive.

[Jar](https://i.imgur.com/RNMlh5X.jpg) | [The Good Stuff](https://i.imgur.com/6OvaUWL.jpg)

Hope this helps other PB lovers out there.

  1. I always just get Skippy but good to know there’s another option. I’ll definitely try this if I can find it.

  2. This reminded me of when I visited my grandma in Japan one summer and opened her fridge to find a Laura Scudder’s jar that had been expired for something like 2 years. We had brought her new jars from the US and she still insisted on finishing that one.

  3. That’s also the one I eat.

    You can find it on Amazon too (they also have the subscribe & save program)

  4. Off topic but I hate when companies mix English spellings of things with romaji, like Youki being ユウキ (instead of ヨウキ) means they’re using the English word “you”.

    Glad you found your pb though.

  5. I make my own at this point, it’s like really easy to do. Just get a mid range processor, then I like to add a bit of honey. But literally just peanuts are fine. I like it better then jif.

    How Japan doesn’t have pbj’s as a common thing with Japanese milk bread is beyond me.

  6. I don’t recall the brand but Aeon Big supermarkets have a jar of Peanut Butter that is smooth and has less emulsifier and sugar that the standard Jiffy.

    If I can’t get to Kaldi for the all natural stuff that’s my fall back.

  7. I’m used to eating sweet thick pb back home but I now like this more salty soft one here.

  8. Big brain fix for this, is to get a food processor, and buy nuts in bulk, and just blend them into oblivion. Add a little salt and sugar, and you basically have homemade nut butter.

    I make it from mixed nuts (including peanuts), and it tastes exactly like peanut butter.

  9. I eat PB every day so this info. is very relevant to me thanks! 😄 My go to is skippy but if I can get a hold of this, I’ll try. The supermarket I go to carries products by this youki brand but not sure if they also have PB.

  10. Shit I read that at first as “uwaki” (adultery) peanut butter 😂 that’s nuts

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