Looking for beta testers for my (totally free) new Japanese immersion website!

Hi guys!

I’ve spent the past few months working on and off on a new, free, immersion-based website for Japanese learners. This site allows you to learn by watching whatever TV shows you want. When a word you don’t know appears, you can click on it to see the definition, and instantly create an Anki card with the word on the front and the excerpt from the video on the back using the free [AnkiConnect](https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/2055492159) extension (the same way that Yomichan works )

I’ve put my heart and soul into this website, and I am excited to finally start getting feedback from the community on it before I official release it. Ideally, beta testers should be people already familiar with Anki, but if not that’s fine too.

Can anyone who is willing to give honest and detailed feedback get in touch via PMs, and I’ll send you over the link to the development server.

Thanks in advance, and I look forward to hearing what you all have to say 🙂

  1. or just go that other totally free immersion(?) website called youtube

  2. Well, good luck. I hope you get what you are looking for out of it. Always like to see people working on passion projects.

  3. Hey I’m a web developer as well, I’d love to check this out, I could definitely help you out

  4. How would this work? Would it work with YouTube? I’d definitely be down to use it with YouTube

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