Bank transfer trouble with SBI Shinsei

I’ve been trying to pay my rent with my new bank account (SBI Shinsei) and every transfer online has failed. I went to the bank today and they said they couldn’t make a transfer for me and I just had to try again online (which failed). Can I make a transfer at an ATM from another bank? I tried to transfer on my phone and laptop on both Japanese and English accounts and am feeling stuck.
Thanks in advance!

  1. You can send money to an account but you can’t have anyone take money from your account. What I am trying to say is you can use transfer money from your bank to another bank but you can’t like use it as an online payment method.

    For my rent and gym membership, I have a different bank account.

  2. You haven’t given enough info for anyone to help. “It failed” doesn’t help. Were there any error messages?

  3. Which bank are you trying to pay to?
    Have you successfully done a payment to your landlord’s account from a different bank account previously?

  4. I think you need to go back to the bank and ask them for more help. If they can’t get Bbank transfers working, you’re going to stop being a customer very soon.

    On a troubleshooting standpoint, have you successfully done a bank transfer to anyone at all? Is this a problem with all of your transfers from that bank account, or is it a problem with your transfers to your landlord from that account?

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