Wanikani: How many items do you keep in apprentice, guru, and master as to not get overwhelmed with reviews?

I’m someone who’s not trying to complete levels as fast as possible, I’m thinking a level up every 2-3 weeks. For those of you who are/were in a similar pace, what was the ideal number for apprentice, guru, and master where you felt comfortable with pacing?

  1. After the initial lesson, each item is reviewed 8 times. So if you stay consistent, over time your number of reviews per day will be around 8 times your number of lessons per day (or slightly more if you get a lot of reviews wrong).

    Max speed is a level a week, so about 25 lessons and 200 reviews a day. If you’re going for 2-3 weeks per level, you could do 10 lessons per day and have about 80 reviews per day.

  2. I stopped leveling up for a couple weeks because I needed a break. I’m currently on level 21. Going at a pace of every two weeks or so to level keeps you at about 100-150 reviews per day. I try to check them every couple hours or so when I’m at work and before bed so that I don’t have to do more than 50 at a time. (I sometimes don’t do that though and end up with 70-80 at one time which feels like it takes forever)

  3. I think the common advice to have ~100 items at the apprentice stage. I feel the other stages will depend on your review accuracy, but should be in higher counts than the lower stages.

    That being said, I reached level 60 in WaniKani a few years ago, and I did that in ~16 months, which resulted in having ~200 apprentice stage items typically but ~300 apprentice stage items at the peak (it increased by ~2 per level, iirc). Currently, I’m going through WaniKani again purely for the sentence reading practice at an extremely leisurely pace, so I level up every ~50 days, which means I have ~15 items at apprentice stage per day.

    Edit: On a related note, I think that if you have more Guru items than Master, this is a very strong signal that you should slow down. More common advice is that you should aim for 90%+ accuracy (you can check this at wkstats.com). I think my first time through my accuracy dipped to like ~83%, and this time through it’s at like ~98%.

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