The pink mold

I moved in a 30 years old flat, 3 years ago and have been constantly fighting the pink mold.
I try big anti-mold “bombs”, always clean (1 deep clean per week) with the ピンク汚れ product and… it always comes back…
Any advice?

  1. I am assuming you keep the fan on 24/7? If there’s a window it should also be open.

  2. Definitely keep the ventilator on at all times.

    Also, every single time you use your bathroom give all the surfaces a light scrub with a melamine sponge. It only takes a couple of minutes and you have to be consistent. Do it daily. This is the only method that works for me.

  3. カビキラー does wonders (or horrors, depends on which end you are) to mould and pretty much any organic substance. Spray every deep corner of the bathroom with it, scrub a little and wash away. Make sure it does not get on your clothing and skin, will ruin both.

    Pro tip: use it for tea stains in the teacups.

  4. What is this pink mold scientifically called anyway? How is it different from they black one?

  5. In addition to the weekly scrub down and the regular anti mold bombs, I always do a quick **cold water rinse** all over my shower/bath room and let my **fan run** until the humidity is gone *after every use*.

    I’ve learned that it’s the standing hot/warm water that will produce the pink mold.

  6. That’s not mold that’s pink. It’s bacteria. But generally follow everyone’s advice.

  7. I always have the cold fan on after a shower or bath, but in summer when it starts getting humid, have an extra rotating fan plugged in in the adjoining bathroom that I put on full blast for an hour or so to clear all the nasty air out and dry it more quickly. Not sure if you have an outlet convenient to have a fan pointed into your bath space, but it might help, along with its own fan.

  8. Like others have said, it’s not actually mold, it’s bacteria which grows in soap scum.
    After every shower, I rinse the whole thing with cold water and squeegee down, then spray with citric acid. I haven’t had any pink mold since I started doing that.
    Also make sure you keep your bathroom fan on 24/7.

  9. Check the outside walls for minuscule cracks, if you got them, that may be where the water comes in causing mold.

  10. I definitely keep the fan running at all times and leave the bathroom door open to air out.

  11. Assuming this is the unit bath, I put bleach into a big spray bottle, hold my breath and hit the entirety of the surfaces before busting out and shutting the door and leave it for 3 hours. Then spray it all down. The fumes alone destroy anything organic. Lasts over 1 month no issues.

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