What level of fluency will you achieve in japanese if you study abroad for one year in high school (with prior knowledge around N3)

I wish to study abroad in high school and wonder what my level will be. Feel free to share your own experiences!

  1. To clarify; you’re a non-native in junior high, who is at N3 level? Do you have Japanese speaking family members? How long have you been studying Japanese? Do you take private classes?

  2. There are two points. You should expect to be able to learn around 20-30 words everyday. A bit individual number, sometimes people are able to memorize 50 or even more, sometimes slightly less, but typically 20-30 number is fine for majority of people. Another point is how many hours you will spend in Japanese, and being surrounded by Japanese is more advantageous. Generally people need ~2000-3000 hours to get N1 from N3 point. So if you spend 8 hours/day, you should expect to become somewhere around N1 level after 1 year, and most likely it will be not only input ability, like can read books or watch videos, but also output, be able to talk and express yourself freely.

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