Why are words like りんご and もも now on JLPT Sensei’s N5 list?

I was scanning through [https://jlptsensei.com/jlpt-n5-vocabulary-list/](https://jlptsensei.com/jlpt-n5-vocabulary-list/) to flag any words for the N5 that I didn’t yet know, and noticed it doesn’t have some common words that I’d have expected to see on it. For example りんご and もも aren’t on the list. Does that mean I don’t need to worry about words like those for the exam? As in, can I just skip learning all the fruits and veg and still be fine for the exam?

btw, I am still learning them anyway as they are in Genki, but I just need to prioritise a bit in the run up to July.

  1. Probably worth pointing out that there exists no official list of JLPT vocab. Everything you see on those websites is an educated guess at best. Just follow your common sense and if you feel a word is important for your target level try to memorize it.

  2. So… the JLPT doesn’t really make sense… IMO.

    It’s not sectioned out like you’d EXPECT it to be. It’s not like N5 is easy baby language and N1 is adult centered vocab.

    N1 vocab and grammar exists in toddler oriented shows.

    but yeah super super super common words, like りんご and もも just aren’t ranked at all..

  3. I wouldn’t recommend to use JLPT Sensei as they’re often wrong. From [Japanese Stack Exchange](https://japanese.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/756/resources-for-learning-japanese/2196#2196):

    > JLPT Sensei/JLPT先生 – A commercially motivated site fraught with mistakes, non-idiomatic and ungrammatical sentences. For some examples, see [this comment](https://japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/83932/%E3%81%91%E3%81%A9-%E3%81%8C-with-conjugated-adjective?noredirect=1#comment136195_83932) and [this comment](https://japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/83932/%E3%81%91%E3%81%A9-%E3%81%8C-with-conjugated-adjective?noredirect=1#comment136199_83932). Making it more harmful to Japanese learning is the fact that it constantly ranks among Google’s top search results, and as a result a lot of learners have used the site. It should be avoided like the plague.

  4. > Does that mean I don’t need to worry about words like those for the exam? As in, can I just skip learning all the fruits and veg and still be fine for the exam?

    Honestly, you’re studying for the N5. It’s like the absolute basic of the basic of the basic of the basic. Even if the word “apple” or “peach” don’t show up in whatever list, it’s kinda impossible in my opinion to not know those words. They are like… extremely basic words that everyone (including extreme beginners) know. Stop worrying about whether a word will show up in a test and instead focus on the fact that if you want to learn the language you will need to know those words. The test is entirely pointless towards you reaching your goal of learning Japanese. You will be able to pass the test if you learn Japanese, so just learn Japanese.

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