Where are raw bamboo forests, preferably near Osaka, that are not a path with walls?

I know about Arashiyama and Sagano, but I don’t want to walk down a path with walls on either side. I’d like to experience walking in a wild bamboo forest, but don’t know where to go. Does anyone know of places like this? Thanks!

  1. There is one place near Fushimi Inari, that is a bit wilder and I do not think have walls, but you should probably not walk too much outside of the path. : [https://thesophiaseries.com/how-to-get-to-the-secret-bamboo-grove-near-fushimi-inari/](https://thesophiaseries.com/how-to-get-to-the-secret-bamboo-grove-near-fushimi-inari/)

    Maybe Osaka Expo 70 Commemorative Park : [https://gipsypapa.exblog.jp/30478743/](https://gipsypapa.exblog.jp/30478743/)

    Jizo-in temple in Kyoto : [https://www.jalan.net/kankou/spt_26111ag2130012066/](https://www.jalan.net/kankou/spt_26111ag2130012066/)


    Edit : might find a patch of bamboo when hiking, but it’s not bamboo forest all the way.

    Mount Tennōzan : [https://travel.rakuten.co.jp/mytrip/howto/yamazaki-guide/](https://travel.rakuten.co.jp/mytrip/howto/yamazaki-guide/)

    Mount Wakayama : [http://hamatani1234.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-367.html](http://hamatani1234.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-367.html)

  2. Anything that’s landscaped is going to have some sort of wall or fence to stop people from damaging the forest – the Arashiyama bamboo forest isn’t left to grow freely.

    > I’d like to experience walking in a wild bamboo forest

    Wild, or more appropriately, abandoned bamboo forests are a mix of bamboo and other plants and look nothing like landscaped ones. Most you can’t even walk through they are so dense.

  3. My wife’s grandparents own a couple plots of bamboo forests around Japan but mostly in Ibaraki.

    I can tell you from experience that walking through a wild bamboo forest really isn’t that fun, it’s almost 100% a game of “dodge the massive spiders who have decided to make their webs between the bamboo”.

    If that’s your idea of fun, by all means.

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