MOD NOTES: Illegal Activity, Digital Nomads, and ChatGPT

A few announcements from the mod team:

**Illegal Activity:**

We do not suggest, condone, or discuss activities which violate Japanese law here. ***Period***

Basically if the topic at hand involves breaking the law, the *only* acceptable response is “that’s illegal, don’t do that”. Feel free to cite sources and/or explain why.

For a more in-depth breakdown on this, please see [this post](

**Digital Nomads:**

While we’re on the topic of illegal activity…

We’re aware that discussion of Digital Nomading in Japan is on the upswing in certain other subreddits, so a semi-friendly reminder:

There are *very* limited ways to *legally* do the digital nomad thing in Japan. Coming on a tourist visa ***is not one of them***.

Working on a tourist visa in Japan is illegal. Japanese law is very clear on this matter. It does not matter if you’re working for a foreign company, or if the money doesn’t enter Japan, or any of the other justifications that are frequently used. This is a settled matter as far as moderation in r/movingtojapan is concerned.

All that said: We’re aware that the government is *considering* [making changes that would allow digital nomads]( But right now there is nothing official beyond talking about it.


We’ve had a recent upswing in comments that were very obviously generated by ChapGPT or one of the other AI/LLM tools. We probably should have seen it coming, but now it’s here. So here is the mod team’s official stance on ChatGPT content:

ChatGPT is a language model, not a subject matter expert. By its very nature it doesn’t actually know anything about the subjects it “talks” about. *Does not know*, so it should not post. Any content that appears to be generated by ChatGPT will be considered a violation of Rule 6: “Don’t know? Don’t Post!” and will be removed accordingly.

It doesn’t matter if you checked the response before copy/pasting it. Use your own words, and your own knowledge.

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