Is ski equipment on bus/taxi OK in Furano?

Was looking to visit Furano next year but to save money was looking to stay by the train station. Is there anything to worry about trying to brink ski equipment onto a bus or taxi? I assume in that area it must be quite normal… in my case I would have ski boots on and would be carrying ski poles and skies (all rental equipment)


Anyone have experience with this situation?

  1. • public city bus – no, that includes luggage

    • private bus company – maybe

    • taxi – inquire ahead of time with particular companies

  2. We got the bus from Iiama train station to Nozawa Onsen and they were happy taking ski gear. This was in 2019.

  3. If it’s a bus that goes to ski resorts, they usually have luggage space for your equipment. It’s very common for people to carry them.

    Another way is to send your equipment ahead. There are luggage forwarding counters at all major airports so you can do it the moment you land, or your hotel can arrange it for you to be sent to your next hotel. Can take 1-2 days depending on distance so plan ahead. It’s so common that all the delivery forms have a checkbox for ski/sbowboard equipment.

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