Looking for feedback on my free language learning website

Hey guys, I’m looking for feedback on something I’ve been working on for a while. Any help would be greatly appreciated. You can learn more about how it works here
:- https://youtube.com/shorts/G5TlKc0SlhI?feature=share

We currently support 10 languages with more on the way. The reason we only support 10 so far is because we tested it thoroughly for each use case in each language. I really hope I can get some insight.

Link :- [Mimibot](https://mimibot.app)

  1. Right away I’ll just give my two cents to something non-UI-related (because I could write for hours on it, it’s not bad but I have some small things that could make it possibly look 10x better): I’d cut down on the information you collect from people while creating an account.

    I’d limit it to 1 name field (username first name, etc), 1 email field, and 1 password field at maximum, you could even cut out the name field and take the email address minus the “@domain.com” etc.

    I would’ve checked it out more but having to type in so much info (plus my phone number, which I’m not super comfortable with) turns me off. Do you absolutely need my number? If it’s just for 2FA or something I’d drop it and just keep the email. But keep working and don’t give up!

    Think of forcing users to create an account like having a big wall up around your app. Some people that might be interested may come up to the gate but with each piece of info you ask them to provide is like another bit of paperwork they have to provide before they can enter. You need to make it as simple to enter as possible so you can keep those people in your app! Sorry if this is rambling, I’m on my phone lol

  2. Respectfully, you may want to look into a user experience designer to review your site. They can help with a million little things including best practices around registration flows, accessibility, spacing, and content.

    My first reaction to the site was “whoa”, followed by turning off that font. There’s just.. so much happening on this page all at once. I have the same issues with registration as the other person mentioned and might suggest SSO integration with google/facebook/wherever to speed the process along.

    I am super interested in the idea of personalized AI for language learning though, and wish you the best of luck getting this going. I think there’s a ton of potential here.

  3. Hey, thank you for creating this tool for free! I’m on here gathering feedback for my website too!

    Without the linked youtube video on your homepage, I don’t think I would’ve been able to figure out what your site actually does. I think that a screenshot / animation of your tool in action at the top of the homepage would be pretty cool, and very useful. Also regarding your homepage, I think if you just used white for the horizontal rules and outlines it would look more cohesive and elegant.

    Other than that, it’s a really cool premise and I appreciate the work you’ve put into it 🙂

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