What is the difference between Kami and Mikoto

(Wasn’t sure what flair to use but this seemed like the best one 🤷🏻‍♀️)

I understand that “kami” means god, and “mikoto” is sometimes used as a honorific for Lords/Gods, but I can’t seem to find what the difference between “x-no-kami” and “x-no-mikoto”?

I didn’t want to assume they’re used interchangeably lol

  1. The dictionary works just fine here, but 尊 (mikoto) is for highness or lord, it is not used on just any random lesser kami. So context matters.

  2. “… no mikoto” is an archaic (pre-Nara / Nara / Heian) way of showing respect / reverence to 1) a god or ruler 2) a noble or person of higher status 3) someone dear. It was also used as a pronoun.

    “… no kami” is just “god of …”.

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