Why do so many Japanese websites have font size options at the top of their pages?

I’ve noticed this a lot across all sorts of Japanese websites, usually next to language options (if there at all), and it’s really unique to Japanese websites. Does anyone know why it’s so common especially since we almost never see it on English websites?


  1. >Why do so many Japanese websites have font size options at the top of their pages?

    Why do so many Western websites do **not** have font size options at the top of their pages for the visually handicapped?

    Additionally, Japanese websites are built using what is considered a “standard” template by low-ranking employees without any design training. The new employees are assigned to the website know better than to make any design changes and so therefore Japanese websites look like 1992 when the [バブル/Bubble](https://www.britannica.com/topic/bubble-economy) burst.

  2. Because not all old people know the shortcut is Ctrl + scroll up/down

  3. Because the average salary for tech roles in Japan haven’t risen since 1995 therefore Japan cannot attract overseas IT employees to come to Japan to work in tech for literally half the salary that those potential employees earn in their native countries.

    What engineer wants to move to a country that doesn’t speak English and take a near 50% pay cut working in Japanese style working environment and go home to stay in a tiny apartment in Tokyo? Especially when the Yen is at an all time low…

    That’s a major reason why Japanese websites are stuck in the 90’s just like so many aspects of Japanese working life.

    And if you disagree with me, you can fax me about it.

    Go to the Narita express website and tell me where the train schedule is which is the main reason anyone would go to that website.

    Here’s the link.


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