55 dollars worth in New Orleans

55 dollars worth in New Orleans

  1. $55 dollars hope not for that one piece of salmon maybe a cheap omakase for $55

  2. Truffle salmon sashimi, yuzu albacore sashimi, scallops with foie Gras, torched salmon belly with mushroom, and toro

  3. Sushi in New Orleans? Hope you’re not a tourist. Bit of advice for those visiting NOLA, the seafood is amazing but save the sushi for another city.

  4. $55 for that?? Sounds like… you made a choice about what to spend your own money on, and I hope it was delicious!

    Looks great OP, everyone’s a critic 🙄

  5. In Brazil you can pay for 3 or 4 people all you can eat sushi with that value and the quality is a lot better.

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