Weekly Complaint Thread – 04 May 2023

As per every Thursday morning—this week’s complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissed you off.


Rules are simple—you can complain/moan/winge about anything you like, small or big. It can be a personal issue or a general thing, except politics. It’s all about getting it off your chest. Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

  1. Japanese women and men that put their shit in the empty seats next to them a cafes. And have no self awareness to move their said shit when a place is busy.

  2. The lines for the Harry Potter rides are even longer than the one for Mario Kart.

  3. Golden week: struggle to get your family ready and out of the house for quality family time… Run to the crowded train…
    Run to the crowded…. Wherever you are going…. Go to 312 restaurants that are all rammed with people and wind up eating something you don’t want to eat…
    Kids miserable..
    Mom and dad.. miserable…

    Money spent/wasted…

    Still hungry…
    Hot AF

    Fucking golden week… Sucks every year

  4. I live in Sapporo and can’t find eggs at the supermarkets nearby. It sucks.

  5. Yucho bank ATM not operating between the 3rd and the 5th and I am running out of cash soon.

  6. My company just went on GW, but my wife needs help with her company, so looks like I’ll be working for free all week.

  7. At this point, I’m just busting my ass over here to prepare and save up for a nicer life and career in my home country

  8. Constantly not actually connected to the internet even though it says 4/5G on my phone and I have data available. That’s povo.

  9. Sudo unemployment/layoff life is great but ive become lazy as shit. Started playing MMOs again….Need to get back to a routine and start job prep

    EDIT: I did sys admin work, the ‘typo’ stays 🙂

  10. I thought the train to work would be peaceful this morning… no, it was even more crowded, filled with people going on vacation with suitcases. At least the train home isn’t so bad

  11. I just found out about the JP bank shut down until Saturday thing today. I for one entirely rely on electronic payments (hate using cash more than anything) and don’t carry any cash on me if possible. Is there ANY way to get money from my JP account between now and Saturday morning? I have some money in my American bank account so I could resort to withdrawing it in yen from a 7 Eleven if it comes to it but if possible I want to avoid it. This is the first time in my life that I’ve ever heard of a bank completely shutting down for multiple days including supposedly ATMs, I guess the concept is so foreign and honestly insane that it never came to mind. There has to be SOME method no?

  12. Partly complain/partly praise comment.

    So went back into trying to actively date after doing some healing and self work, and aside from the absolute hell hole it is, one of the guys I matched had “SGI” on his profile.

    Thinking it was a college or something, I googled it. Thank God I did.
    You all are the best. Now I know another red flag I need to avoid.

  13. I came back to work after my maternity leave.
    Before my break I managed to do 165% on my annual goals and was expected to get a pay raise.
    My old boss left the company so the new boss isn’t raising me.
    I’m feeling very down because I’ll get shitty tasks too. It’s my 2nd kid and I had 0 problems with my old boss going back to work after my first break…
    I even did those 165% on my goals, one of them being huge profits for the company.
    It’s been the first time since I’m in Japan that I feel so depressed. Now I just want to rush to get my PR and try to get something else, while being scared that I find nothing good now that I have kids…

  14. I have two futons stacked and it’s still hard as shit – I miss my mattress, I get terrible sleep, damn futons

  15. Went to Nagasaki Penguin Aquarium because I like penguins and thought it’d be a good change of pace after the museums….

    Don’t go if you like penguins.

  16. Does anyone else miss lockdown Japan? These crowds now are insane… which I guess is good for Japan? But it took me nearly 10 minutes to leave the station and another 10 to walk to a restaurant that’s normally 4 minutes away

  17. Not sure what I was expecting, but yeah Yuucho sucks. I knew that you wouldn’t be able to withdraw money from the ATM during Golden week, but you cannot top up on Paypay either. Obvious in hindsight of course, but slightly annoying.

  18. My Christian mother has no acceptance of my Japanese wife’s cultural practices. We are going to a shrine for my daughter’s first visit and I unfortunately invited my mom as she will be visiting at that time. Now I’m being asked why I’m not doing a Christian baptism too. It’s like my mom forgot her particular denomination was anti-infant baptism in order to fight about it.

  19. My husband took our son to visit the in-laws for three days. This means, for the first time in four years, I am completely free to do whatever I like. Enjoy some GW events, clean the house, cook something yummy and not have to share it!

    But my damn pregnant body only wants to sleep…

  20. I had a dream last night that I had a son. He was 9 months old and his first word was toothbrush haha.

    Then I woke up this morning, childless and forlorn 🙁

  21. I have to go home to a job I hate and I suck at, I have work in Japan where we have a great life with a full and fun house with extended family but I only earn $8.20 here compared to $60 an hour in NZ. O and the beer here sucks.

  22. I met a japanese guy in fukuoka who I really liked and had a deep connection with. He liked me and I liked him and he told me he was gonna help me get a working visa and a job and I was so happy…He fell in love with someone else and just blocked me

  23. I’ve got three sets of friends coming to Japan within the space of a week later in May and I’m sick of being asked for restaurant recommendations for whichever part of Tokyo they’re staying in. I have absolutely no idea about cool places (outside of the blatantly obvious) on the complete opposite side of the city from my house. And I really don’t like feeling responsible for people’s holiday if they end up having a crap time wherever I point them to.

    My poor liver is going to be wrecked from entertaining people about 5 nights on the bounce as well 🥲

  24. I’m working on saving money and want to work but suddenly got a whole week off…

  25. My work constantly boasts about us taking time off when we are sick because “we care about your health!”, but if we take that time off, we get chewed out for 3 hours by our boss.

    Good to know an exploding cyst wasn’t a good enough reason for ya. 🥲

  26. Just got home from Saizeriya with my husband. Weird guy eating alone next to us turned my way and was watching me the entire time. He also made eye contact with my husband. I couldn’t eat my food because i was so uncomfortable. Turned around and asked him “nanika hoshii desuka?” And the freak kept eye contact smiled and shaked his head in “no” and the I asked him “jia nande miteru no?” . He got up, took his bag, paid and left just like that. My husband who is japanese was surprised i called the freak out but i told him i had experience with many freaks on the trains and it usually ends the quickest if i contront them directly because they are cowards and spineless humans who will run when put in the spotlight. Disgusted again.

  27. It makes me sad that cream of chicken type soups are not popular here. They mostly seem to be clear/stock based. I’m also not crazy about the canned ones

    I miss those cheap creamy instant chicken cuppa soups from the uk!

  28. Why is it so hot right now? My head hurts. Also I won’t be traveling with my coworkers anymore. They always don’t want to do things with me and I also get drained to do stuff for them and not getting a simple thank you. I need to stop being their guide and shit.

  29. Been trying to find loxonin for my partner but all pharmacist are closed for golden week. Anyone know if there are any major branch stores which might be open with a pharmacist during golden week?

  30. yo i’m still new here but i’m legitimately struggling with finding friends i can vibe with. there’s plenty of acquaintances to be made, but i dont really have a solid stable friend group i can always hit up and do stuff with, and that feels hella lonely. i’m studying japanese but holy shit do i really feel the need to improve, the language barrier feels so real. i dont understand japanese when spoken in rapid fire customer service format, i dont understand when people speak in slang on the internet, figuring out the context is sometimes so difficult especially if you got distracted during conversation trying to process what they meant. ya feel?

  31. This is a complaint against my own dumb ass. Deep cleaned my shower/tub room today and used an excessive amount of カビキラー. My new electric scrubber (which works wonders btw) proceeded to atomize the cleaner and isekaied me to WW1 trench warfare. Couple hours later and I still smell cleaner and a hint of blood. Pretty sure I have more bleach in my system than a 2008 anime convention.

    The sad part is, I have a chemistry degree. I should know better about ventilation….

  32. You know what I’m sure made me look like a totally normal, non serial killer and/or child abuser today? Walking around in a white t-shirt with a bigass bloodstain on my shoulder all day because my toddler hit his lip on a table. (He was fine literally seconds later, I didn’t even realize he had bled until someone pointed out the stain.)

  33. When you do physical therapy and change your lifestyle to stop severe neck and shoulder muscle knots and pain, only for it to become even more sore and stiff, and now your lower back hurts too and you don’t understand how to be human but it’s Golden Week, so you have to patiently wait until one of your preferred clinics opens on Friday or Saturday.

    This pain and stiffness cycle is vicious. 9 months of no life, I want out. I’m inquiring on this newfangled “hydrorelease” / “fascia” injection ASAP. If anyone’s done it before, please let me know how it went.

  34. October Fest in May. Did they not understand the concept behind it?

  35. [Look at this shit](https://imgur.com/a/E8ij6IT).

    Who in their right mind would be so egotistical to go as far as printing their holiday selfie onto a sticker and sticking it to a pole? *Completely* self-absorbed. NOBODY CARES.

    Inbounds are really starting to get on my tits.

  36. Can’t find a full time translation job
    I’ve been doing freelance for over 10 years
    I’ve even translated a book (it’s terrible don’t read it)
    But nothing!

    Also, stop asking about my current/previous salary! It’s none of your business!!

  37. I don’t think I can make pasta dishes anymore. My husband slurps them like so much ramen and it drives me nuts. Slurping doesn’t bug me at all when it’s actually a Japanese noodle dish. But I cannot, just *cannot* stand it when it’s pasta, and he won’t quit.

  38. Why does everything need advanced reservations…

    I mean, I know why, but it’s annoying 😀

  39. Buying uniqlo or gu in full price to see it 50% off in the same week…

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