A few questions about PR application (spouse visa route)

I’m using information from this website for the reference: https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/applications/procedures/zairyu_eijyu01.html

1.In March/April 2021 when I was changing jobs, there was a misunderstanding between me and my previous employer. Even though my contract was until March 20th and I did work in March, they didn’t pay Shakai Hoken for that month. I even specifically asked about and they said they’ll pay, but they didn’t. I realized that in May and paid National Health Insurance and National Pension on May 12th for March (full monthly amount). I plan to attach explanation letter. Is this likely to affect my application?

Note: I didn’t get any notification or pay slip in my mail, but I guess it doesn’t matter cause the signing up process for national insurance and pension isn’t automatic, you have to do it yourself to be in the system, right? I went to City Hall and explained the situation. They let me pay, no problem.

From April 2021, I’ve been covered by my new employer, no more

On nenkin net, it looks like this:

2.Do I need to submit receipts for that or Nenkin Net printout is enough?

On the immigration website, it says:
ウ 国民年金保険料領収証書(写し)
**• ※ 直近2年間において国民年金に加入していた期間がある方は、当該期間分の領収証書(写し)を全て提出してください。
• ※ 直近2年間の全ての期間において国民年金に加入していた方で、直近2年間(24月分)の国民年金保険料領収証書(写し)を提出できる場合は、上記ア又はイの資料を提出していただく必要はありません。

I think I should have those receipts for that March 2021 when I paid it on May 12th, but not 100% sure.

3.Up until last month, my residence tax wasn’t deducted from my salary. On the immigration website it says:
イ 直近3年間において住民税を適正な時期に納めていることを証明する資料(通帳の写し、領収証書等)
**• ※ 直近3年間において、住民税が特別徴収(給与から天引き)されていない期間がある方は、当該期間分について提出してください。**
• ※ 直近3年間の全ての期間において、住民税が特別徴収(給与から天引き)されている方は、イの資料は不要です。アの資料のみ提出してください。

I paid it in full the first week when I received the residence tax payslip last year. However, I don’t have the receipt as I gave it to the immigration last year while extending my spouse visa.

Should I mention that in a separate letter?

OR, as I’m planning to include my salary pay slip from last month, which shows the automatic deduction, this might make them think that it’s been deducted for the whole period. Am I too naïve here?

4.I was only able to obtain 2 years of my residence tax record, cause first year (Reiwa 2), my residence tax was 0. From the immigration website:
ア 直近3年分の住民税の課税(又は非課税)証明書及び納税証明書(1年間の総所得及び納税状況が記載されたもの)各1通
• ※ お住まいの市区町村から発行されるものです。
• ※ 上記については、1年間の総所得及び納税状況(税金を納めているかどうか)の両方が記載されている証明書であれば、いずれか一方でかまいません。
**• ※ 市区町村において、直近3年分の証明書が発行されない場合は、発行される最長期間分について提出してください。**
• ※ また、上記の証明書が、入国後間もない場合や転居等により、市区町村から発行されない場合は、最寄りの地方出入国在留管理官署にお問い合わせください。

So, I guess I should be fine here. I’m thinking about explaining why I attach resident tax documents for 2 years not 3, but then again, it shows on my other tax document (the one that shows full breakdown of income and taxes for a year) that my residence tax was 0, so I guess no need for that?

5.About nenkin net, should I just go ahead and print out the whole history or edit it, so it shows only last two years as mention on the immigration website? And how about my wife’s record? One guy said here before that immigration requested additional documents, including the full pension record of a spouse (since they were 20 years old).

Thanks in advance.

  1. Hey, similar situation here

    1 -> “they let me pay, no problem” So, no problem alright ?

    2 -> Follow for replies from others. (personally until I get the PR im in nerd mode with receipts etc and archive/scan everything religiously)

    3 -> If you paid it will be mentionned on (4) residence tax record no ?

    4 -> I was told they went from 3 to 5 years record. If you don’t have five years record, only way to go is to produce what you can and just wait and see

    5 -> Just to sum up but since your questions are precise points regarding your precise case, have you thought about getting legal counsel ? I find that the peace of mind for all questions i can think of (and what i didnt think because well, im not an immigratiuon officer) to be totally worth the investment.

    Good luck

  2. You have to try it! I’m my personal experience I think it will get you denied.

    It was explained to me by an immigration officer in Nagoya that they are looking for uninterrupted payments. Taxes, pension, health insurance and whatnot.

    Unfortunately it wasn’t your fault, but it’s still your responsibility to be checking that. You don’t need to rely on your company for that, you can go directly to the nenkin office/city hall.

    Someone got denied recently for something similar, I replied there as well. Look for it, please

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