Etiquette, to do and to not do in elementary school gym


On sunday I will go for the first time in a japanese gym to practice sport with my company club.

I have checked few websites, and they mention to “follow the etiquette and basic rules”, but I don’t know exactly what are those.

For instance, I believe that it is forbidden to use shoes that are used to walk outside. But I don’t know anything else. I cannot contact with company mates because outside of business hour it is very recommended to not use our business phones. And of course I don’t have their private number.

  1. So when I used to play volleyball in a gym, these were some of the rules
    – bring inside shoes
    – use a mask (covid time)
    – clean / mob the floor after you finish
    basically there are no janitors so you need to clean by yourself afterward

  2. Indoor shoes, go with the assumption there’s no place to change your clothes, cover any visible tattoos, clean up when done.

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