What are your local trash laws?

Since moving to Japan, the biggest shock to me above everything was the local trash laws.
In my home country it’s either trash or recycling. That was it.
Here, a lowly PET bottle breaks down into 3 different disposal units. Where I live,ther’s a ‘trash’ day twice a week for food scraps and anything with the ‘trash’ kanji on it. Once a week we get plastics day for all the ‘plastic trash’. Then once a month we can take our miscellanea to a local drop-off place run solely by volunteers. Only problem is these drop-off places open at 8am on a work week which is when I’m supposed to start work…

Is it the same where you’re living?

  1. For my city Fujisawa, to start with you can’t use any bag, but buy specific bags sold by the city.

    Second, the week goes like this:

    Monday: burnable trash and bottles
    Tuesday: PET bottles or cans (depends on the week)
    Wednesday: cardboard and old clothes or non-burnable and magazines.
    Thursday: burnable again
    Friday: plastics

    In my homecountry and where I lived in Miami there not even recycling. Just throw everhjjg away.

  2. The trash laws are as written on the ward hall website and in physical media available for free

  3. It’s the same where we live, more or less.

    Where I grew up also it was throw all the stuff in one bin twice per week, but the times and the country are different. We’re a bit luckier in my part of Tokyo in that our drop off point is open on Saturday mornings and pickups can be arranged for larger items.

  4. Yes, that is all of Japan more or less. However, if you live in a large apartment complex the trash days won’t matter as there will likely just be a central place for everyone, any time disposal.

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