Washing machine lint trap bag ripped, where can I find a replacement?

The lint trap bag of my washing machine has ripped and I need to replace it. Unfortunately I don’t even know what it would be called in Japanese to try to find out what to look for.

Are these a standardized thing?

My washing machine is a Limlight RHT-045W.

  1. In Japanese it’s called a 糸くずフィルター

    Search for that term and your washing machine model number on Amazon or rakuten.

  2. Take the make and model of your washer to an electronic store and show the staff. They’ll have a list of which washers use which lint trap bags. Shouldn’t run more than ¥1000

  3. Did you look at the manual? There a picture on page 4 and 18 show the name of that filter thingy. “糸くずフィルター”.Now go google that with your washing machine make and model, you should get some answer. Could be generic stuff, from what google sensei shown.

    Just bring that thing over to the nearest home center/electrical shop and show them sample. No need to say anything.

  4. Your local Yodobashi (or Bic etc) has a washing machine section. It’s likely they have a section for washing machine accessories.

    I got my replacement there.

  5. Should be available in home centers like viva home, khama etc. Similar thing happened to me fee months ago.

  6. We replaced ours last year through the store we bought it from (like 20 years ago), and still having the manual.

    The thing is to clear it of lint after *every* wash.

  7. I’ve just been using mine without the lint bag for 8 years. Because of that, I don’t wash towels with clothes, but otherwise it’s ok.

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